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You would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep.

Grian hummed as he watched all the small bugs lighting up. In the grass, in the trees, and flying all about. Little pulses of light filled the darkness.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" Mumbo asked, sitting next to him in the grass.

Grian nodded. "I never realized there were so many of them out here." He couldn't even begin to describe how magical it felt, sitting in the middle of a forest at night with dozens of fireflies dancing around them. The chirping of crickets and other animals moving about only added to the otherworldly atmosphere.

Something flew past Mumbo's face and he jumped back in alarm.

"What was that?" The redstoner had barely spoken before Grian saw the culprit. A dragonfly, one of the shiny bluish-green ones, landed on a nearby branch.

"Oh, cool! A dragonfly!" Grian reached towards it, but it quickly flew into the air, just out of reach.

Mumbo chuckled. "Looks like it's almost as fast a flier as you, Grian."

"Please, I could beat an insect in a race anyday." He once again attempted to catch said insect, this time managing to cup his hands around it. "Aha!"

He carefully removed his top hand, finding the dragonfly sitting in his other palm, staring at him(if dragonflies could stare with those strange eyes). It was probably annoyed and confused as to why this random human would capture it for seemingly no reason. It hovered up a couple of inches, staring for several seconds more before, much to Grian's surprise, taking off backwards into the darkness.

"Betcha can't do that," he heard Mumbo whisper.

"Oh really?" Grian turned to face him. "It can't be that hard."

"Grian, I'm sure there's a reason dragonflies are one of the only animals able to fly backwards."

"Is that a challenge?" Grian grinned.

"It wasn't, but now I'm curious as to where this is headed."

Grian hopped to his feet, strapping on his elytra and pulling a rocket from his inventory. "It's simple, holding the rocket like this makes you fly normally." He outstretched his arm, rocket in hand. "So this must do the opposite." He flipped the rocket in his hand so it was facing him.

"Grian, I don't think-"

Grian pulled the string on the rocket to activate it. It immediately flew from his grip, hitting him straight in the face.

Mumbo burst out laughing as Grian stumbled back, clutching his nose. "Are you okay, mate?"

"I fink I bwoke it."

This only made Mumbo laugh more. "Come on." He stood up and took his friend's arm. "Let's get you back and find you a healing potion before you take your eye out."


Thankfully, the healing potion took effect quickly, and while Grian's face still hurt a lot, it no longer felt as if it had been set on fire.

"I really thought that would work," he muttered, trying to hold his nose in place so it wouldn't heal weird.

Mumbo sat next to him on the couch, helping wipe the blood off his face. "You fired a rocket that was pointed at your face. Frankly, that could have gone a lot worse. Here." He finished and handed Grian a cup of tea.

The shorter Hermit sipped the tea thoughtfully. "I guess rockets are supposed to pull things, not push them. I'll have to find a way around that."

"You mean you're still gonna try to do this?"

(Mostly)Hermitcraft One-Shots, Art, and StuffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant