More Headcannons

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Yay, more headcannons!


- EX's helmet has built-in noise cancellation.

-also, when EX gets anxious or overwhelmed, he builds up a lot of static electricity. Panic attacks and that sort cause lighning to shoot off of him, which can be dangerous.

- Being part blaze, snow and ice do hurt Hels and are like the equivalent of being burned.

- EX is X's twin, not a clone. Hels, however, is a hybrid clone of Wels and blaze DNA(because flying fire demons totally have DNA).

- Tango wears his hair in a short ponytail. Change my mind.

- This is usually not the case anytime I write something involving Watchers, but I imagine that, in general, Grian being a Watcher isn't some big secret. Everyone knows, but no one makes a big deal out of it anymore.

- Xisuma rarely yells. Someone would have to really screw up for him to yell at them.

- There are 3 layers to the Void:

The first is the one you find under bedrock and the End. If you fall into this, you will die. It will take away your senses or make you go crazy. Either it kills you, or waits for time(or the person) to do so. 

The second layer is where a player ends up if they are banished by an Admin. It's sometimes refered to as the Banished Realm. There is nothing there. The lack of stimuli causes many to go insane. You can't die of hunger or thirst. After long enough, you wither away.

The third layer is essentially the afterlife. This is where the souls of the dead spend eternity. There is no pain, no hunger, and no sadness. It's actually really nice, especially when compared to the other two layers.

- Jevin smells like ozone.

- Ren and Doc teamed up in S8 because after Ren's S7 finale and being turned into a cyborg, by the time the next season started he was still recovering and not cleared to live on his own, so Doc volunteered because he could help especially with becoming used to being a cyborg.

- Basically every year for Christmas or his birthday, at least one Hermit has gotten X a "#1 DAD" mug, sometimes changed to say "DADMIN". This has gone on for so long and he has so many mugs and no idea what to do with them so he started using them as flower pots in S7.

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