•Endoskeletons in Your Closet (Part 1)•

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(This first part doesn't have any warnings, but be aware that future parts will get much darker and more troubling.)

Part 1

Early Season 8

"We don't have to stay, you know."

EX looked up from the unsorted chest, confused.

"In Hermitcraft, I mean." Hels continued, idly turning over a stone in his hands. "It's not like we don't have a choice. We could leave, find a new world, one where no one's heard of us. Why not leave everything about this place behind?"

EX closed the chest, hesitating before he spoke. "I've thought about that too. And I want to, but..." He looked around at the surrounding spruce trees. "I feel like there's something unfinished here."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, this is gonna sound crazy, but I just feel like something is going to happen here. And, whatever it is, I have to be here when it does. It feels... wrong to leave just yet."

Hels thought for a moment. "Is it the sixth sense?"

"Yeah." EX wasn't sure what had caused it, maybe from spending so much time in and around the Void. Starting about a year ago, he had known things that he shouldn't have been able to know. It was sometimes a feeling and sometimes that, in the back of his head, he knew something. He had felt this way before escaping the Void, before that huge lightning storm had happened, and, most interestingly, before he met Hels. He knew there was something coming, just never what or when.

Hels was one of the only people EX had told about this, and he was glad the knight took it seriously, as opposed to claiming he was a liar.

"Do you know if it's good or bad?"

EX shook his head. "I don't want to force you to stay here, though. I understand if it's too much. You can go ahead of me, find a new world, and I'll catch up with you after... whatever this is."

"No, I'm staying here with you."


"I trust your judgement on this, if you need to stay, I'm not going to stop you. But I also think we need to stick together. Besides," he added with a smirk. "You'll probably need the help of a slightly more competent person."

EX rolled his eyes, but couldn't help chuckling. "You sure you can handle it?"

Hels grinned. "Bring it on."


~3 Months Later

It didn't come as much of a surprise to Hels or EX that most of the Hermits hadn't been too fond of the idea of them both being around. It wasn't unknown that they had been banished to the Void after separately attempting to mess up the server. They frequently played tricks on the Hermits and annoyed them from time to time, but, much to everyone's surprise, they hadn't caused any real trouble.

EX sat on a couch, excitedly flipping through a fresh stack of yellow sticky notes. Hels walked over, carrying another stack and some pens.

"You ready?"

"Took you long enough," EX teased. "You don't think walking around in armor all the time is a little excessive?"

"Of course not. One of us has got to look intimidating." While Hels wore the dark gray knight's armor almost everywhere, EX's red armor had been left in a closet for months, instead opting for a black and red hoodie he had found. The Overworld was surprisingly calm compared to the Void, and the extra protection didn't seem necessary.

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