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"Sahir please... Stopppp... Stoppppppppp!",screamed Nisha at top of her voice.

But all in vain, Sahir didn't stop.

"What should I do now?.. how..", Nisha was so panicked.

Nisha ran towards her room in the hostel. She was looking for Shruti everywhere because she was in need of her help so badly.

Nisha was having an anxiety attack, her hands and legs were shivering. She didn't have the energy to walk or speak. She was having palpitations which was making her restless.

Nisha reached to her room and fell on the floor.

"Nisha? What happened? Are you okay?",asked Shruti.

"Shruti, please save Sahir. He need our help. Please call his friends.. He is in big trouble..",said Nisha.

"Relax relax! Everything will be fine. First drink water. I am going to bring water for you, till then stay here and calm down. Nothing will happen to Sahir",said Shruti.

Shruti left.

"No! I don't need water, I need my Sahir..",said Nisha with tears falling from her eyes.

Nisha tried calling Vivek but he was not receiving.

Nisha was feeling extremely restless because she knew that at this time,  every second is important for her.

She somehow got up and goes outside to find Shruti.

In corridor, she heard Shruti talking to someone.

"I know Mam but what should I do now? Nisha is asking me to call Sahir's friends. How should I stop her?! She is so panicked, it will be difficult to control her at this moment. Please Shelsha mam, do something! I did everything you ask me to do. I gave you all the information of Nisha and Sahir. I was spying on them all the day but right now situation is very different. I can't handle Nisha alone",said Shruti on call.

Nisha was numb.

The person who was forwarding each and every information to Shelsha was none other than Shruti.
Shruti was spying their each and  every movement.

Nisha couldn't believe her eyes and ears but she had to because she had less time to save Sahir and she can't waste it in these things.
With every passing second, Sahir's life was getting more prone to danger.

Without thinking much, Nisha ran outside of the hostel.

It was raining heavily. 

In this horrifying weather, Nisha was wandering alone on the streets. She had only her mobile phone and a few money with her.

She didn't know which way to go. She was crying standing alone on the street.

"Please God, please help him. I will not ask you for anything else again, just protect my Sahir",pleaded Nisha.

"What should I do.. I haven't even know Shelsha's house address. How will I reach Sahir?!.. Should I tell grandma?.. No, she will be worried. To whom I can tell these things? Who will help me?!..",thought Nisha.

In the noise of loud thunders, a name strikes Nisha's mind.

"Ashi..",thought Nisha.

(Ashi, Nisha's bestfriend in school)

Shelsha's place

Sahir reached.

"Sir, Sahir sir has reached",said a staff to Pratap and Shelsha.

"Bring him here",said Pratap.

The staff nodded and left.

Sahir entered inside.

Sahir didn't has the courage to look up towards his dad.

He was looking down.

"Shelsha, unfortunately, he inherited my looks. Look at him, he looks dapper!",said Pratap.

Shelsha smirks.

"You have lived enough luxurious life. A lifestyle just like me but you know what, I had worked hard for it. I earned this lifestyle with my capability. But what do you do?",asked Pratap.

Sahir gave no answer.

"You are just spending my money ridiculously for ridiculous people! Bastard! I survived that stupid lady, your mother and she left her burden on me who imerged me in losses after taking birth. I should have made you live like a slave in my house but I accepted you and kept you like a king just because your mother's side of  family was very influential at that time and they were naming a huge part of their property on you. But you, you were such an ominous that all those property suffered huge losses and finally delisted. And then, I can't even leave you because I didn't want people to talk that Pratap left his responsibility on road. It would have been better if I had killed you that day!",said Pratap.

Sahir was used to listen these things from Shelsha but this was the first time when he was listening these things from his dad.
The fear that Shelsha had put on in  Sahir's mind regarding his dad was stopping him to utter even a word in his defence.

"Because of you, I had to see this day. You are spending my money on a 2 rupees girl!",said Pratap.

Sahir tighten his fist.

Pratap slapped Sahir.

"How dare you to show this gesture to me! You are living on my money and showing tantrums to me. You know na I can kill you for this. Your name, fame and everything is because of me. I can snatch everything from you in a second",said Pratap.

"Darling, leave these things. Ask him to leave that girl and marry to my friend's daughter",said Shelsha.

"Oh yes! You will be marrying Shelsha's friend's daughter. As by doing so, maybe you will give a little profit to me. Marry her and live like you were living or else you know..",said Pratap.

Sahir gathered all his courage and spoke.

"No! I will not marry that girl",said Sahir.

Pratap again gave a hard slap on Sahir's face.

"What did you just say?",asked Pratap.

"I love Nisha and will not marry anyone else other than her. You can kill me but I will not change my decision",said Sahir.

Pratap took out a hunter and started beating Sahir badly with it.
Sahir was agonizing in pain but Pratap didn't stop.

Nisha decided to call Ashi for help as she was living somewhere near Mumbai.
Ashi was studying law in a very prestigious college of India.

"Hello?",said Nisha on call.

"Nisha?",said Ashi.

"Ashi! Please help me. I need your help. Sahir is in danger. Please save him..",Nisha cried on call.

"What?! What happened to him?",asked Ashi.

"I will explain everything to you later. But for now please don't ask anything and help me in saving him. Please Ashi..",pleaded Nisha.

"Okay okay.. just calm down! Today, I am in Mumbai only. Where are you? Send me your location. I will be reaching you soon",said Ashi.

"Please come fast..",said Nisha crying uncontrollably.

"Yes, I am coming. And don't worry, nothing will happen to Sahir",said Ashi on call.

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