Sahir's love

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"Are we sitting here to witness this shit!?",said Sahir looking towards the stage with rage in his eyes.

"Who is this man yar? What kind of entrepreneur is he? He is flirting with girls openly infront of everyone",guys were talking.

"Calm down Sahir. Why are we worry about whatever is happening with anyone? Let's enjoy",said Samina.

Sahir gave her a tough look.

"I don't care but we are wasting our time here. There are many much more important things to do, rather than watching this shit",said Sahir.

"Yeah but guys we are soon going to witness a new blooming love story in our college",said Vivek.

"What do you mean? Whose love story?",asked Samina.

"Nisha and Avinash",said Vivek looking towards Sahir.

Sahir went silent for few moments but then he smiled and answered.

"I know what you guys are trying to do but I really don't care about anyone or anyone's love story. Infact, I am happy for them. May she stay always happy with whoever she is or will be in future",said Sahir.

Samina gestured Vivek to not say anything.

"Are you ready to learn?",asked Avinash.

Nisha was still looking for Sahir in that huge crowd and this time, she finally spots him.

She smiled like a bright vibrant butterfly on seeing her Sahir, but Avinash took it as yes.

"Okay, so you are ready. It will be fun to teach you music",said Avinash.

Nisha was so busy in staring Sahir that she didn't realise anything.
But soon, on seeing Sahir's dead serious face and his eyes full of rage, she realised that things are going wrong.

"You can go to your seat now",said Avinash.

"But.. I don't want to..",Nisha was saying something but Avinash didn't let her complete it.

"We will discuss everything but not now as everyone is waiting. Let give chance to others too",said Avinash.

Nisha starts coming down from stage but her eyes were stuck on Sahir.
She was constantly looking at him and in all this, she missed a step and was about to fall when Avinash holds her from back.

Everyone were looking at Avinash and Nisha.
Some were hooting too.

"This can't go more wrong now", murmurs Samina looking at Vivek.

They observed Sahir's silence which was saying a lot.

"I don't have more time to waste here",said Sahir.

"But....",Samina was saying something but he didn't listen.

Sahir stood and left.

Nisha got away from Avinash with in seconds after getting her balance back.

She looked again towards Sahir but he was not there anymore. He was walking out of the auditorium.

She rushed towards him but Shruti stopped her and forced her to sit there for some more minutes.

Nisha sat there with Shruti.
She looked towards Samina and Vivek, they were gesturing her to go behind Sahir.

"Shruti, please let me go. You are not understanding, it will make things more wrong",pleaded Nisha.

"I understand but if you will go now then everyone will think something else and also this Avinash Birla will misinterpret this. Listen to me and stay here for a few more minutes and then go wherever you want",said Shruti.

Unrealistic LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora