Truth is out

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At Manoj's office.

Manoj enters inside.

Manoj - Why are you standing outside?
Come inside.

Nisha enters slowly.

Manoj - Sit here, pointed towards the chair next to him.

Nisha sat there.

Nisha - Sir, why did you call me here?

Manoj - See Nisha, I will be talking very straight.
Don't get me wrong. Okay?

Nisha - Okay sir.

Manoj - Is Sahir your boyfriend?

Nisha - Sir, that's a very personal question.
I don't want to answer this.

Manoj laughs.

Manoj - You know what.. Sahir is fooling you.
Don't you remember that day when he accused you of daydreaming about me, said going close to her.

Nisha got uncomfortable.

Manoj - Relax..I was just trying to make you remember incase you forgot that day.

Nisha - I haven't forget anything.
But that was past and today, in present, I trust Sahir more than anyone else in this world, said in a loud and confident voice.

Manoj didn't like her this attitude.

Manoj - It's good that now everything is fine between both of you but don't forget that I haven't forgotten those allegations on you.

Nisha - Sir, those weren't true.

Manoj - So, do you mean that Sahir had accused you with false allegations?

Nisha was quite.

Manoj - Comeon, answer me.
Were those allegations false?
If they were false then I can rusticate Sahir from this school forever.

Nisha didn't answer. She can't say yes to Manoj's question. She can't accept that those allegations made by Sahir on her were false because it can spoil his future.
She was scared of hurting Sahir knowingly or unknowingly.

Manoj - So, your silence is proving that those allegations on you were true, said smirking.

Nisha - Sir, I didn't mean that..

Manoj - Then what did you mean?

Nisha went silent.

Manoj - So this means that those allegations were true. Sahir is safe only on one condition.

Nisha looked at him confusingly.

Manoj - Meet me after school at sharp 6:00 PM.

Nisha - Sir but..

Manoj - And yes, don't bring that Sahir with you otherwise you know what can I do with him.

Nisha sensed something fishy.

Nisha - I can't come to meet you alone.
My grandma will not permit me.

Manoj - Oh really then how did your grandma permit you to spend a whole night at Sahir's home?

Nisha looked shockingly at him.

Nisha - How did you know?

Manoj - I know everything.
Your Sahir is the only obstacle in my path to have you.

Nisha - What..?!..
What are you saying?

Manoj - Do you know..who was messaging you ?

Nisha - You?

Manoj - Ofcourse yes.

Nisha was shivering out of fear.
Now she understood the whole scenario.

Nisha - No, I am not that kind of girl like you are thinking.

Manoj - This means that Sahir made false allegations against you.

Nisha - No..

Manoj laughs.

Manoj - Uff, this love!

Nisha - Please leave me, said crying.

Manoj - Do me a favour then only I can free you, said smirking.

Nisha understood his intentions.
She starts taking her steps away from him.

Manoj grabs her hand forcefully.

Manoj - Why did you think of yourself ?
You can't always sneak out.

Nisha - I can't do these kinds of favour for you, said sobbing.

Manoj - Then leave this school and place forever or otherwise your Sahir's future will be spoiled.

Nisha - Sir please..

Manoj - Don't force me to create a scene here.

Nisha leaves.

At classroom.

Nisha enters.

Sahir - What happened ?.
What did he say ?

Nisha didn't answer.

Sahir - Nisha, answer me.
Did he say anything to you?

Nisha - No, he was just saying me to stay away from you because he thinks that you are a bright student and I can spoil you so..

Sahir - How dare him?!..

Nisha - Sahir, I want to go home.

Sahir - What?..
But we have more classes today..

Nisha - No, I am not feeling to do more classes.
You stay here and attend classes, I will go.

Sahir - Nisha, is everything fine?

Nisha - Yes.. everything is good, said looking here and there.

Sahir - Are you hiding something from me?

Nisha looked at him.

Nisha - No Sahir, I am not hiding anything.
I am just not feeling like to study that's why I want to go home.

Sahir - Okay, I will drop you.

Nisha - No, you attend your classes.
I can go on my own.

Sahir - Comeon.. don't be stubborn.
I will drop you. Come outside, I am waiting.

Sahir leaves.

Nisha couldn't hold her tears anymore.

She knew that probably she is seeing him for the last time.
She wants this moment to get freeze so that she can be with her Sahir forever.

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