"My fearless Nisha"

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"It's Avinash, that entrepreneur",said Nisha.

"I am wondering that how did he get your number?",said Sahir.

"It must be Shruti. I am sure that she has given my number to him or maybe he get it from college's records",said Nisha.

"Yes possible!",said Sahir.

Phone stopped ringing, Sahir and Nisha both didn't answer the call.

"But why is he calling me?!",said Nisha confusingly.

Sahir smiled.

"You are too naive for this cruel world my little doll!",said Sahir.

Nisha gave him a confused look.

"See, if he will call again then you will answer him",said Sahir.

"Me?",asked Nisha shockingly.

"Yes, you. I want you to be strong and independent, not fragile and dependent. Your this innocent side is reserved for me and for everyone else, you will become my fearless and strong Nisha, to whom nobody will ever dare to even look at with bad intentions. And if anything will go wrong, you will always have my back. I will be there for you to support you.
But you should learn to fight for yourself because may be if some unfortunate day, I will be not there for you then you can protect yourself", said Sahir with gleaming eyes.

"Everything is right and true except the last line. That unfortunate day will never come, you will be always with me because you are my strength and without you, I am powerless",said Nisha holding Sahir's hands.

Phone rang, it was Avinash again.

"Answer the call",said Sahir.

Nisha received the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello, Avinash Birla this side! Is there Nisha?",said Avinash on call.

"Yes",said Nisha.

"Actually, I got your number from your friend Shruti because I wanted to know that whether you are free tomorrow or not",said Avinash.

"Why?",asked Nisha.

"I think that you have forgotten our deal that I am going to teach you music and for that I have already taken permission from college authorities. So you can decide that at which time you are comfortable to join me. Class will be of 1 hour",said Avinash.

Nisha looked at Sahir, asking him for the suggestions to what to speak next.

But he was just listening quietly.

"But why are you spending your precious time and energy in teaching particularly me? You can invite other students too, there are many students who want to play music. This will also save your time",said Nisha.

"No, I prefer to teach one student at a time. And you don't need to worry about my time as it will take one or two classes only. I will teach you only the basics. And after that I will help rest of the students with whatever they need",said Avinash.

"Oh alright!",said Nisha.

"Yes! So when are you free tomorrow?",asked Avinash.

"Say, 12:30 at noon",whispers Sahir.

"12:30 at noon",said Nisha.

Avinash stays silent for a moment and then speaks again.

"Are you sure?",asked Avinash.

"Yes!",said Nisha.

"Okay then. See you tomorrow!",said Avinash.

"Okay..",said Nisha and disconnected the call.

"What?! How can you let me meet him alone? Aren't you scared? I came here running because I thought that you were angry with whatever happened at the stage",said Nisha disappointingly.

Sahir pulled her close to him.

"I am still angry with that. Don't remind me those scenes again",said Sahir in a serious tone.

Nisha slowly pushed him away and maintained a hand distance from him.

"I am not scared of you. Okay?",said Nisha, trying her best to look confident and not frightened.

"Hmm.. that's good!",said Sahir taking a deep breath.

"Anyway, I know that all this is your some new drama. Because if you were actually angry then you would have never agreed to let that Avinash meet me alone",said Nisha, turning her face to the other side from Sahir.

Sahir laughs.

"Are you serious? Do you actually think that I will let that Avinash meet you?!",said Sahir laughing.

"Then what?",asked Nisha.

"I am just preparing you to learn, how to deal with problems",said Sahir.

"Oh ohk! Now I understood",said Nisha.

"Yes! By the way, you understood very early",said Sahir teasing Nisha.

"Haha! Not funny",said Nisha.

"By the way, what if anything like he tries to touch my hair or tries to hold me again like he held me on stage....",said Nisha teasing Sahir.

"And you think that I will let it happen again. I will take away his breath if he even tries to touch your finger",said Sahir.

"Can I ask something?",asked Nisha.

"Yes, you don't need permission to ask anything", said Sahir.

"Are you jealous?",asked Nisha controlling her naughty smile.

Sahir smiled.

"I will definitely tell you but before that..",said Sahir going close to Nisha.

"Nooooooo! I am going back to college. Bye!",said Nisha and ran towards the door.

"Wait! Nisha, listen I will drop you",said Sahir.

Sahir was going behind Nisha when his phone rang.

It was his mom.

"Why is she calling?!",said Sahir irritatingly.

Sahir received the call.

"Hello, how are you my dear son?",asked Shelsha.

"None of your business! Come to the point, why have you called me?", asked Sahir.

"I called you to know about your whereabouts. I am not that bad, I am concerned for you",said Shelsha.

"Oh! Stop this drama. Come straight to the point",said Sahir.

Shelsha laughs.

"You are very smart Sahir but sadly, your this smartness will cost you..",said Shelsha laughingly.

"Why have you called?",asked Sahir.

"Has Nisha left your room? I thought that you both were going to stay together whole night",said Shelsha smirking.

Sahir was shocked on listening her.

"What? Don't be shocked. Just be careful because I am watching your each and every move",said Shelsha.

Saying this, Shelsha disconnected the call.

"How did she get to know?! Wait! Is there any connection between her and Avinash?!",thought Sahir.

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