A much needed convo

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"I didn't go away from you to hurt you",said Nisha.

Sahir laughs.

"I am serious. That's why I was looking for you everywhere because I want to tell you the reason for leaving Delhi",said Nisha.

"Leaving Delhi or leaving me?",asked Sahir.

"Both",said Nisha.

"Nice! Good to know that you care about me. But I am so sorry to tell you that I don't give a damn to your care",said Sahir.

"Sahir, the reason behind leaving you is....",said Nisha.

Sahir pulled Nisha by her waist tightly towards him in aggression.

His tight grip was making Nisha restless but still she didn't want this moment to end.

After 3 years, 3 long years, they were this much close to each other. That scent of him, that tight hold, his hair, his gaze, his fast breathing, everything was so nostalgic.

To feel Sahir's closeness at that moment was worth all the pain.

Sahir rests his head on Nisha's head for a moment of relief, ending all the inner rivalries that were going in their hearts.

Tears were flowing from Nisha's eyes, she was not able to understand that if she should be happy or sad.

Happy, because after 3 years, her pain was vanishing slowly in Sahir's arms.
She was feeling so light like if a burden of heavy feelings just left her shoulders.

Sad, because who knows if it was their last meet.

Sahir forgets his pain, betrayal and everything for few minutes. He was just living in the moment, close to his Nisha.

After few minutes, Sahir slowly losen his grip and releases Nisha from his tight hold.

He goes few steps back and took a deep breath.

"What do you think that I don't know anything?",asked Sahir.

Nisha was confusingly looking at him.

"I know the reason",said Sahir.

"What?",asked Nisha hesitatingly.

"Our maths teacher, that Manoj",said Sahir.

Nisha was shockingly looking in his eyes, trying to find the answers of her questions.

"When you left, I survived a car accident but still i was on bed with no hope to live. I was all shattered because I who never had a family was dreaming to make a girl his family who left me suddenly. And you were that girl to whom I loved truly with all my heart, probably the first and last person I loved since the day I was born",said Sahir looking at Nisha with so much pain in his eyes.

Nisha was numb, her body was shivering because she was able to feel Sahir's pain.
She was now realising that what she had done to him.

With teary eyes, she goes near Sahir and holds his hand.

She made Sahir sit on a felled tree and she sat on the ground holding his hand.

"I was losing hope to live and everyone was naming it as a teenage infatuation. But only I knew that what I was feeling. For whom I will live now? Before meeting you, I was living in my pseudo world which was full of fakeness with fake people, fake friends, fake ideologies. I was living in my fake pride. For saying, I was always surrounded by people who used to say that they love me but inside I was all alone. But then you came in my life unexpectedly. I was just pranking with you but you....you taught me the meaning of love which is without expectations, you taught me how to smile and so many things unknowingly. And suddenly you became the most important person in my life",said Sahir.

Nisha didn't know that she was in his every breath.

"How I was supposed to live now? It was for me like I lost my whole family. I lost the meaning to live because after meeting you I had started living in reality but after you left I was all alone in that real life which you taught me to live in and I was not finding my fake world cool anymore. So, where I was supposed to live now!", said Sahir.

"But then I decided to wake up again because of music. Remember, you wrote in that message that you had never listened me singing. That's why I decided to sing again in hope that you will come again hearing my music",said Sahir laughing in pain.

"And music healed you....",said Nisha.

"Yes, music healed me. And then I decided to find you because the way you left me suddenly without giving any reason was troubling me. I wanted answers. And then, somehow I got to know the whole story and the reason behind your decision of leaving me suddenly. Manoj blackmailing you and everything.
And then I realised that Miss Nisha Sharma never trusted me",said Sahir.

"No! No sahir. Please don't say like this",said Nisha crying.

"You left me suddenly after saying I love you, to leave me in more pain",said Sahir.

Nisha puts down her head on Sahir's lap and cried her heart out.

"You never trusted me because if you had trusted me then you wouldn't had ran away in fear. Infact, if you had trusted then you would be knowing that I can fight with the whole world for you then we can together definitely find the solution for that too but unfortunately, you didn't",said Sahir.

"No Sahir, it was never like that. I always trusted you and I still trust you more than I trust myself. But at that time, I got scared. I didn't know what happen to me. I was so scared for you. I didn't have the courage to see you suffering because of me that's why I left. I used to think that you had everything. You are so talented, you can achieve whatever you want and I didn't want to take these things away from you. I thought that you deserve a better girl than me and you can definitely get one. That's why I left...",said Nisha.

Sahir was listening all this with a painful smile on his face.

"You have hurted me and now you can't take my pain away from me. You can't make it right anymore",said Sahir.

"I can..",said Nisha.

"No, you can't",said Sahir.

"I can. I can't only in the case if you want to live with this pain",said Nisha.

"It's all over between us. You finally got all your answers and I already knew all my answers",said Sahir.

"No..",said Nisha with teary eyes.

"Yes.. let's end this revenge and everything going on between us. I am too tired with all this",said Sahir.

"But I can't live without you",said Nisha.

Sahir laughs.

"Just live as you were living for past 3 years after leaving me and I had already learned to live without you",said Sahir.

"Please Sahir, no....",said Nisha crying.

Sahir left.

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