Sharing my life with you

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Nisha was too shocked to say anything.

"And you know, she herself has told me these things that how my so called father was cheating on my mother with her",said Sahir.

"But what if she was lying all this to you so that she can create differences between you and your father..?",asked Nisha.

"No, all this is truth. She told me all these things to torture me and to make me realise that I am not their own. I am a part of the family only for the sake of my dad's reputation to show society that my dad is such a great person and his bad deeds stay hidden. My father adores Shelsha a lot. But you know karma is real, she was cheating on my father, I had caught her and I recorded those things. At that time i was in class 9th, that was the same year when Shelsha forced me to be with Avira",said Sahir.

"But why she forced you to be with Avira?",asked Nisha.

"Because Avira was my dad's friend's daughter and they both used me for their benefits in business",said Sahir.

"And Avira knew your family secrets. That's why she blackmailed you to be her boyfriend",said Nisha.

"Yes..",said Sahir.

"But how did you manage after breaking up with her?",asked Nisha.

"I told you na that I caught Shelsha cheating on my dad. From that time, she was under my control. I apply the same techniques on her that she used to use on me. She used to blackmail me by saying that if she told dad anything wrong about me then he will throw me out of the house. It means that everything was under her control. I was connected with my dad via her because dad doesn't want to talk with me. I talk to my dad only once or twice in a year",said Sahir.

"They don't have their own child?",asked Nisha.

"No. Shelsha is not interested in all this. All she is interested in is money.
That's why she wants me to get married to her friend's psycho daughter",said Sahir.

"But how she again started controlling you? I mean that you have proof against her then how..?",asked Nisha.

"Because of you..",said Sahir.

"Me?",asked Nisha.

"Yes you. As I told you, I was not in my senses after you left me and she took whole advantage of it and she erased every proof I had against her. And that's how she again started controlling me but this time, things were not the same as before. She was scared..",said Sahir.

"Of what?",asked Nisha.

"Of my growing career in music. She is scared that I will be not under her control after establishing my career. That's why she wants to destroy it by marrying me off to that psycho. So that she can successfully destroy my career even before it begins",said Sahir.

Nisha was trying to feel his traumatic childhood. His wounds were still fresh and the only way to heal them was to take him out of his family who was constantly trying to cage him.

"Today I shared my whole life with you. I never thought that I will be doing so someday with anyone because I used to think that people will perceive me as a weak and will make fun of me after knowing about my family. But see, today I told you everything..",said Sahir laughingly.

"No, I can never perceive you as a weak. I know how strong you are.. after dealing with so much in your childhood, you are still standing strong and smiling.. this shows how strong you are and how can I ever make fun of you in your bad times..!",said Nisha.

"I know that you will never do so. I trust you. But I am talking about others. This world laughs at weakness.  That's why we should never show our weak point to anyone because if they get to know then they will not spare a chance to take advantage of it",said Sahir.

Sahir went silent after saying so and started the car to leave.

This silence was killing Nisha because this time this silence was not comfortable. Sahir was in pain, he was worried thinking about his life.
Nisha was thinking of ways to pull him out of his darkness.

Nisha took a deep breath and after gathering a lot of courage, she kissed on his cheeks.

Sahir smiled a little.

"This will not work. You should try something else!",said Sahir

"Why? I mean what else I can do..",said Nisha.

"Go beyond the cheeks. There are many different parts of the body. Look closely and try somewhere else..",said Sahir.

Nisha goes in a deep thought and after thinking for a while, she took Sahir's hand on her hand and placed a sweet kiss on it.

"You know what.. this is every dangerous",said Sahir.

"What?",asked Nisha.

"Thissssss..",said Sahir showing his hand.

"You don't like kisses on your hand?..",asked Nisha innocently.

"I like your kisses everywhere on my body..",said Sahir winking at her.

"Then what were you saying?",asked Nisha.

"I said that your kiss on my hand while I am driving can cause accidents because after your kiss, my hand will get so calm that it will not permit me to drive then how will I drive.. so this will also not work. Try somewhere else..",said Sahir.

Nisha goes again in a deep thought.

They reached college, Sahir stopped the car.

"See, we reached college and you are still thinking. Now how will I calm down, my heart and mind are in rush..",said Sahir.

Nisha got an idea and she smiles excitedly.

"What happened? What is going on in your mind?",asked Sahir.

Without answering Sahir's questions, Nisha stood slightly and bends towards Sahir.

It was hurting her so Sahir made her sit on his lap.

Nisha puts her one hand on Sahir's chest near his heart and other on Sahir's head.

She kissed on his forehead then moved towards his chest and kissed on his heart.

"See, I calmed down your heart and mind..",said Nisha softly.

Sahir was mesmerized and was lost in her.

Nisha got out of the car quickly as she was feeling shy.

She was going inside the college when she finds Avinash standing there at some distance.

Sahir also saw him from his car.

Nisha looked behind but to her suprise, Sahir was not there.

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