Nisha's home

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Vivek - Sahir, we have reached Nisha's home.

Sahir who was so busy in caressing Nisha was unaware of anything..

Sahir - What..we reached?

Vivek - Yes..

Nisha was sleeping like a baby in his arms so he decided to not interrupt her sleep..
He takes Nisha in his arms gently so that her sleep doesn't get disturbed.

Sahir - Vivek, please knock at the door and tell her family to not shout or make noise as she is sleeping... Firstly i will drop her to her room then I will explain everything..I will stay here till then.

Vivek - Okay..

Vivek rang the doorbell.

Suhani opens the door.

Vivek - You?

Grandma also came running to the door..Ashi and Ayush also came along with her.

Grandma - Where is my Nisha ?..
Are you Sahir ?..where is she ?

Suhani - Grandma relax..He is not Sahir. He is Vivek, Sahir's friend.

Grandma - Then where is Sahir ?..Nisha is with him na ?..

Vivek - Grandma.. please relax..Sahir and Nisha are also here at some distance.

Grandma - Where? Why are they not coming inside ?

Vivek - Grandma actually Nisha is sleeping.. That's why Sahir told me to come here first and inform you all to stay quiet so her sleep doesn't get disturbed.
He will explain you everything after dropping Nisha in her room.

Ashi - Okay.. Grandma please calm down.. Let him take Nisha inside.

Grandma - Okay.. Tell him to come inside.. We all are silent.

Vivek indicates Sahir to come inside.

Sahir comes inside.
He walks slowly towards Nisha's room so that her sleep doesn't get disturbed..
He carefully make Nisha lay down on her bed.

Grandma was noticing everything.
Sahir's behaviour was totally different from what Nisha has told her.
She was astonished seeing Sahir's this much caring for Nisha.
Not only grandma but everyone can see that... Sahir's face was clearly depicting that how much worry he is for Nisha.

Sahir and everyone walks out of Nisha's room to let her sleep.
Sahir slowly closes the door of Nisha's room without making any noise.
He turns to find that everyone was looking at him with shocked face.

Sahir - What ?..What happened ?..

Ashi - Nothing..
Sahir..she is Nisha's grandma.

Sahir greets Nisha's grandma.

Sahir - Where are other family members ?.. Her mother, father ?

Grandma - I am her only family member. Her parents does not live here with us.
She lives with me here.

Sahir - Ohh..okay.

Grandma - How did you find Nisha ?..Where was she ?

Sahir tells everything to grandma that how and where he finds Nisha.

Grandma - Oh my god...Who can do this to my Nisha ?

Sahir - Grandma, you don't worry.. whoever he was I will find him very soon.
And please don't ask Nisha all these things when she will wake she was already very scared because of all these things happened with her.
I don't want her to remember those things again.

Ashi - don't worry....we will not ask her anything regarding this.

Sahir - Okay grandma..I think we should leave.

Grandma - No wait.. They all were telling that you were busy in finding Nisha since morning.
You hadn't even eaten anything since morning.
Stay here...I will make something quickly.

Sahir - No grandma.. Thanks.. But we have to leave...I hadn't even informed anyone at my home so I think I should leave.. It's already very late.

Ashi - Yeah grandma..We are also here since morning.. We should also leave.

Ayush - Yes grandma... Please take care of yourself and eat hadn't eaten anything.

Suhani - Yes something and take rest..
And don't worry about Nisha..she is fine.

Grandma - Don't worry about me...I am fine .. And you all please go safely and call me once you reach home.

Ayush - Okay grandma.

Grandma - Sahir, you also.. please inform me once you reach home.

Sahir - Ok..

Ashi - Grandma... I will give them your number.. you don't worry and please take rest.

Grandma smiles.

Ayush, Ashi, Suhani, Vivek leaves.

Grandma - Sahir...wait..

Sahir - Yes grandma..

Grandma - Thank you so much for today...
I know what you have done to Nisha but after seeing your this caring side for her ..It seems like the Sahir who have done this to her..that's not you.. that's not your reality...
I don't know what I am saying but you are a nice guy and I know my Nisha is safe with you... I can trust you..

Sahir - Grandma, I don't know whether I am a nice guy or not..
But one thing I know surely is that no can harm Nisha till I am with her..
And you don't worry..I will find out who that person was..
Nisha is safe.. Okay ?

Grandma nods..

Sahir leaves.

Grandma - How can Nisha sleep in his arms ?.. I know her... She can not even sit with a person for so long until she gets that homely vibes from him..
And he was the one to whom Nisha called first when she was missing.. Despite of the things he has done her, she stills trust him.
Does she trust him to this extent ?

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