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I look up the driveway at the house I grew up in. It still looks the same as it did when I was a kid. My mom is all about appearances and the upkeep of everything. Glad to see she hasn't changed a thing.

I ring the doorbell and wait patiently. I know it's very early but I hope they answer. I wonder what they are going to think when they see me, will they hate me? I mean it has been a year since I last saw them because I have made so many excuses as to why I can't go to any family function. I wouldn't blame them if they did. I ring the bell again because I know they are sleeping and didn't hear the first time.

The door opens and I see my mom standing in front of me with her hands covering her mouth. Without hesitation she pulls me into a hug while yelling for my father to come down. I feel her tears wetting my shirt, I wrap my arms around her and start crying as well. I have missed her so much. "Mija." My father says shocked as he also embraces me. I can feel so much love in just a hug than I have felt in a while. That says a lot. Nowadays I don't even know what love is.

He grabs my bag as they both rush me into the house, I am engulfed in the smell of oranges and cloves. This smelt like home. My mom has this thing she does where she takes an orange and sticks cloves all over it to make the house smell good. It does make it smell good but looking at it kind of creeps me out and gives me the chills.

Sitting on the couch with my parents on the other side the questions start. "How are you? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Did he do that to you sweetheart? Does he know you are here?" My mom rushes out as she examines my face. I see my father place his hand on her knee, "Honey give her a second, she just sat down." I'm grateful for that although I do owe them an explanation. I basically just showed up here without a warning. My mind is all over the place right now. I'm not sure where to start.

There is so much I have to say and my brain is so jumbled up to the point that I can't get everything I want to tell them out. So much has happened within a year that my mind can't even put to words. How can I even look at my parents and tell them that their daughter went through so much pain and suffering? Why did I let this happen? If I could go back in time and change things I would. Nobody deserves to be treated the way I was treated. Nobody.

I look at them and take a deep breath in and a deep breathe out, "I left him." They both wait for me to continue. "I-I couldn't take it anymore, it's like I d-didn't know who I was or w-who I was with." I stutter out. While fiddling with my hands I rack my brain and try to figure out what to tell them. "This isn't the first time he has done this. This has been happening weekly for the past year and I-I wanted to leave I really did, I just couldn't. He wouldn't let me." A tear rolls down my cheek as I try to wipe it away. "I left when he was asleep, so he has no idea that I am here. I'm sure when he wakes up and realizes I am not there he is going to be so angry. I have to put me first though because I know I deserve better." I look at them and I can see the empathy they feel for me.

"If you would have told us what he was doing we could have prevented this from happening honey." My mom grabs my hand and rubs the top of it with her thumb. I know I should have told them, but he threatened me if I said anything to anyone. I refuse to let him hurt the people I love the most. "He just wouldn't let me." The look on my father's face is a mixture of anger and regret. "I'm so sorry I didn't leave sooner."

He can hurt me all he wants but I just can't let him hurt my family. That is where I draw the line.

"It's not your fault please don't apologize for someone who is an abuser. He is no man; he is nothing but a coward who hits women. If I ever see him again I will show him that he made a mistake when he decided to lay a hand on my daughter." My father spits out. My mom has to calm him down and remind him that I am now home and that's all that matters.

I feel horrible for putting my parents in this situation. At my age they shouldn't have to deal with my problems. I mean what twenty-six year old brings her parents into her crazy abusive relationship issues? I shouldn't even have this problem but I didn't know that he was gonna end up an abusive drunk.

"You both must think I'm so helpless and stupid. Stupid enough to stay for so long while he beats me every week." The tears just start streaming down my face as my father pulls me into his chest. "Mija, don't you ever say that again. You got yourself out of that terrible situation and came back home to people who you know love you and will help you. You are so strong and it breaks my heart to hear what you went through." He hugs me a little tighter, I know he's glad to have me back home. I'm glad to be back home.

"Once he realizes I'm gone he's going to track me down. To him he sees it as if he can't have me no one can. I just know I can't go back because if I do, I know deep down that I won't ever come back." My whole body starts shaking and I can't control it. "I'll be dead." I whisper out. I know for a fact if he finds me he will definitely kill me. He has told me that repeatedly over and over again.

My mom stands up and wraps her arms around me, "How about we all go back to bed and talk about the next thing to do when we wake up? It's very early and you look exhausted Everly, I think a good nights rest will do you some justice." She's right I could use some sleep considering I haven't been able to in some time. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I don't even remember the last time I actually slept for eight hours or more. Ever since I've moved in with Alex I've always tossed and turned in my sleep or just never slept.

With a yawn I ask, "Is my room still the same as before I left?" I really hope it is because I don't want to go get a hotel. "Your Mom wouldn't let me turn it into a man cave so yes your room is exactly the same," my dad says which makes me chuckle. It's so like him to want a man cave considering the fact that he always said if we move out he's taking our bedrooms and turning them into whatever he wants.

"That's a good thing because then I'll have no where to sleep." I give them both a hug and kiss on the cheek. "As long as we are living you will always have a place to sleep."  I swear I have the most loving and caring parents. We say our good nights and head upstairs to where we all can get some sleep.

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