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I open the door and walk in to complete darkness, maybe he isn't home. I set my purse and keys on the foyer table and click on the light. He is here. He's sitting on the couch that faces the front door with his hands clasped together. I look at him and I can tell that he is beyond angry. If looks could kill I would be dead as soon as my eyes locked with his. He stands up and makes his way towards me, anger is just radiating off of him. "Everly" he breathes in my face, I can smell the alcohol that is overpowering his whole being. I use to love the way he says my name but now every time it comes out of his mouth it makes me sick to my stomach.

He has been drinking so much lately to the point where he is black out drunk. I use to think he didn't know what he was doing until he started hurting me while he was sober. Now it's just anything I do that he doesn't approve of I get some type of punishment. Even if it's just something simple like coming home late from work which happens to be tonight.

I didn't have a choice but to come home late because someone came in with their dog that had gotten its tennis ball lodged in his throat. I was able to get it out but he had to stay in the hospital overnight just in case anything happened. Lucky for me Vanessa decided to stay overnight tonight so that I could go home. I owe her because I'm not sure what I would have done.

"You stupid bitch," he says as he pushes me up against the wall with his hands around my neck. "Where the fuck were you?" he spits in my face as I'm gasping for air while trying to get his hands off of me. I start scratching and digging my nails into his hands, but to no avail he doesn't let go. "I shouldn't have to wait all night for a bitch that doesn't know her place." He squeezes my neck tighter with every word. He's gonna kill me. It's so hard to breathe.

He lets go and I drop to the ground holding my throat trying to catch my breath. He then grabs my hair and drags me to the kitchen and tosses me into the cabinets. I just want this to be over. "I need you to realize that you are nothing and will always be nothing. "He leans down and grabs my face forcing me to look at him. "You deserve everything I'm going to do to you. You want to act like a fucking slut I will treat you like a fucking slut." He slurs out as he's undoing his pants with one hand while his other hand is still squeezing my face.

"I hate you." I say before my eyes close and everything goes black.

I promised myself that last night would be the last time. I shouldn't have stayed this long, I should have listened to everyone who told me that he was gonna break me. I was blinded and that is exactly what he did, he broke me more than I thought he would. He took everything from me mentally and physically. He never cared like he said he did because if he did we both wouldn't be in this position right now.

The love I had for him is long gone and the love he had for me was never there. This is all my fault though because I let all of this happen. I did nothing. Now it's my chance to do what I should have done long ago. I owe it to myself to leave this relationship behind and move on.

Squinting my eyes I look across the dark room and to the clock on the dresser, the dim green light shows 3:18am. If I don't make a move now I fear I will be trapped here forever. I gently remove his arm from around my waist and pull the covers over. He got wasted last night so he should stay dead asleep while I make my escape. I quietly get out of bed and turn to make sure he's still asleep. I can't believe that this man once brought me comfort and joy but now brings nothing but sorrow.

I touch my lip and wince at the pain that was caused last night. That's not the only damage he did, I am pretty sure my eye is bruised and swollen. I can't bring myself to look in the mirror to find out. How can one person do this to the person they supposedly love? How can you physically look at the person you love and beat them and then feel great afterwards?

I grab my duffle bag from under the bed that I have had packed for some time just waiting for this day to come. I don't have much in it since I didn't want him to notice that my things are missing. I'm only taking what's important to me and if that means leaving behind clothes and knick knacks so be it. This was his apartment anyways so nothing here really belongs to me or has a sentimental value.

Quickly and quietly, I make my way through the apartment and to the front door, slowly turning one last time to the place I called home for the past year. I open the front door and step out, gently closing it behind me. I quickly walk down the hallway towards the steps turning back every so often to make sure he didn't wake up and start following me. Descending the stairs, I see what I am assuming is the Uber waiting for me.

He did this to himself; he doesn't care about me nor does he deserve me. Leaving is what's best.

The window rolls down and I hear the driver say "Everly?" I give a small nod and get into the backseat. The driver looks at me from the rear view mirror with a look of sympathy but says nothing. With a close of the door the car starts moving. I let out a sigh of relief because I am finally free from the hold that was on me. I'm not sure what I would have done if he woke up and caught me trying to leave. He probably would have done worse than what he did last night. I shiver at just the thought.

The drive should be about thirty to forty-five minutes so I should use this time to get a bit of sleep. I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. For now I am free but once he realizes I'm gone he will find me. He won't let me go and that's what scares me, with that I drift off to sleep.

I'm startled by a hand on my knee shaking me awake. The Uber driver retreats his hand, "We have arrived at your destination." I feel like I've only slept for a couple minutes, my body is exhausted. Giving him a thank you I grab my bag and exit the car.

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