Chapter 32

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Hi, did you notice anything new? *wink wink*

Major Time Skip

You smell like love.



Fatima was a lot of things, but calm was not one of them. I was dressing her third injury this month. Today, she tripped and scraped her palms on the interlocks whilst running after me to the car. And last week she slipped on the stairs and scratched her elbow, and the week before, she nearly ran into Bukar on her bike. I begged her to be more careful, but she never listened.

Her cheeks were stained with tears, and her lips were slightly parted as she watched me clean the wound. She winced and pulled back her hand as I gently dragged a wipe over the wound. I held her hand firmly, and she frowned.

"Ibrahim, it hurts," she whines.

I give her a once-over and focus my attention back on her hand. This was a routine for her. She would injure herself, cry, and then come to me for help. She had no physical pain tolerance.

"It's enough," she says, trying to pull her hand out of mine.

"Be quiet," I reply, firming my grasp.

I finish cleaning them and apply band-aids to the affected areas. Finally letting go of her hand, she clutches it to her chest and pouts. I pack up the first aid kit and return it to the closet.

"Are you mad at me?" she asks, sitting cross-legged on the bed. I sit on the edge and pull her closer.

"How many times have I told you to be careful?"

"A lot," she responds sheepishly.

I give her a disapproving glare. "Is this a joke to you? You could seriously hurt yourself or others."

She jumps into my lap and rests her head on my shoulder, "I'll be careful from now on. I promise."

"Climb off. I need to go," I say, tapping her thigh.

She wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into me. "Please don't go," she whimpers.

"I'm already late as it is," I respond, kissing her cheek. "I'll be back soon. It'll be like I never left."

She jumps off with a huff. "You're just trying to make me feel better. You'll be gone for hours, and I'll have no one to talk to," she says, crossing her arms.

"Fine. Get dressed, and I'll drop you off at Ammi's," I state, and she runs into the closet excitedly.

The house was packed as Akram's wedding was approaching. So there was always someone to talk to and never a dull moment. If left to Fatima, she would be there every day. But, on the other hand, I do not enjoy being in the crowded house.

I drop Fatima off at the house and head over to my meeting.


Ibrahim and I arrived back in Nigeria a week ago. He had a work assignment abroad and had taken me with him. Sadly the trip was extended last minute, and we both missed Akram's wedding. But there was a family gathering today, and I was excited to meet his wife. I learnt from Ibrahim that she was Hudayya's cousin, so I had high expectations.

I'd been standing in the closet for about thirty minutes now. It's a miracle Ibrahim hasn't come to drag me out. I looked through the clothing options I had pulled out once more. They were all so pretty. I couldn't choose.

"Ibrahim," I yelled out.

I heard footsteps before he popped his head in. "Yes, Bambina. What do you need?"

"Help me pick out an outfit, please," I reply. He examines the garments before pointing to a pink and teal atamfa-lace.

I hum, eying his choice. "I'll just wear the burnt orange one instead," I say. He makes an irritated expression and walks back out.

I giggle and put on the one he had picked. I never intended on wearing the other one. I just loved teasing him. But it's only fair since he also does it to me. I finish getting dressed and meet him downstairs.

"How do I look?" I ask twirling to give him a 360 view.

"Breathtaking," he responds, kissing my forehead.

"Now let's go. I'm starving," he says, pulling me out of the house.

The drive to Ammi's was painfully long. I was so eager to see everyone again. I could hardly contain my excitement. I quickly hopped out when we arrived and bolted towards the backyard.

"Stop running," Ibrahim called after me, but I was too elated to care.

"Kai Fatima, why are you running like this?" Aunty Fanna asks, concerned.

"Aunty, I just missed everyone," I reply, enveloping her in a hug.

Aunty Adama laughs as I hug her and Aunty Lina. "Gaskiya, I'll tell Ibrahim to stop taking you away from us," Aunty Lina says.

We talk a bit before I head inside to greet Ammi. I also run into Ibrahim's dad, and we speak for a while before he excuses himself. I haven't seen him in some time as well. He's mainly in the States now.

Baba was the last on my list, so I stopped by his study. Ailah and Hudayya are in there, and we spend a few minutes talking with him before we leave to join the party again.

"How was graduation?" I ask them as we walk out.

"Excruciatingly long. I just wanted the pictures," Hudayya replies.

Ailah and I laugh, "I missed mine because I was sleeping. So you can imagine how angry Ammi was," Ailah says.

Hudayya smacked her head lightly, "I told you to set multiple alarms."

"I did. I didn't hear any of them," she responds, running her head.

"What about yours, Fatima?" Ailah asks.

"It was three weeks ago. I just asked them to mail my certificate," I respond.

I wanted to go, but I couldn't bring myself to ask. I hadn't even told him about it. Ibrahim was still cautious of where I went and who I spent time with.

"Oh, Amira is over there," Hudayya says, pointing to a beautiful girl sitting by the pool. People crowded her, and a beautiful smile rested on her lips as they spoke. It reminded me of the first family event I attended.

Different from me, she wasn't an overwhelmed mess. Instead, she seemed confident and self-assured even with so much attention directed at her.

Hudayya and Ailah left to do something whilst I observed her more. Soon the crowd began to disperse.

"Go say hi to your new sister," Ammi urged, and I nodded.

I nervously walked up to her and introduced myself. She was surprisingly so easy to talk to. And soon, I found myself oversharing. We spoke a bit more and ended the conversation with plans to celebrate my sobriety the next day.


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