Chapter 25

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Caught between who I am and who I want to be.



What kind of human being has no regard for people's sleep? I shoved my phone further away from me as it vibrated. There was nothing I hated more than having my sleep interrupted. I pressed my head deeper into my pillow, hoping to go back to sleep, but my phone began buzzing again.

Fuck this.

Angrily, I grabbed the phone, answered it and pressed it to my ear.

Me: Hello?

Z: Yaya Fatima?

Me: Zara?

Z: Yes. It's me.

Me: Oh. Did you get a phone?

Z: No. It's Baba's.

Me: Oh. How are you?

Z: I'm fine. But I miss you. You haven't come to visit since you left.

Me: I'm sorry. I've been busy.

Z: Well, my birthday party is on Saturday. Are you going to come?

Me: I don't know if I'll be free.

Z: Please, yaya Fatima. There's going to be a bouncy castle and a big cake. I even got you a birthday hat.

Me: Okay, Zara. I'll try and make it.

Z: Promise?

I paused.

Me: yeah.

Z: Okay. I can't wait to see you.

Me: Alright. Bye.

Z: Bye.

I dropped the phone and groaned loudly. I didn't want to see that house let alone step inside it, but I had just promised her. Ugh, this was so frustrating. Finally, I covered my head with the duvet and shut my eyes, welcoming sleep.


I hummed forget you by Ceelo Green as I prepared for Zara's party. I was in no way excited, but I gave my word. It was a kid's party, so I had no reason to go all out. A maxi dress should suffice. I brushed up my brows, then applied mascara and eyeliner. For my lips, I used some lip gloss.

"Now to tie up my hair," I said aloud, searching for the perfect scarf to match my blue and silver dress.

"Baby, are you in here?" I hear Ibrahim call from the room.

I rush to meet him, "Yes, I was just looking for a scarf."

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead, "A scarf? Are you going somewhere?"


"I forgot to tell you. My little sister's birthday party is this afternoon," I say, facepalming myself.

He hums in response, "Have fun."

"Do you want to go?" I ask, walking back into the closet.

He follows closely behind. "I'm sure a child's birthday party would be fun, but I've got plans," he jokes.

I giggle, "What plans?"

"The guys are coming over to watch a basketball game," he answers.

"So you won't be able to drop me off?" I ask.

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