Chapter 11

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                    My biggest fear is that someday you'll see me how I see myself.

- Unknown.


"She said you had massive balls?" Jafar said, rolling on the floor with laughter. 

"Nah, she's a keeper," Muhsin said over the phone. 

He worked in London, so he had to participate over the phone in most conversations.

"I was praying for you the entire time you were there. I almost lost my voice. You should thank me," Akram says. 

"Ak fell asleep the moment you left," Hud replied. 

"He was snoring so loud," Bukar cackled.

"Why won't you guys just let me shine?" He asked.

"We don't condone lies," Jafar says. 

"This reminds me, Jafar went on a date last week, and you guys will not believe the lies he told this girl," Bukar says.

"Bro, we agreed to keep that between us," Jafar urged.

"But you don't condone lies," Akram mimicked. 

"He told her that he'd never taken a girl out before. That all his relationships had never passed the talking stage," Bukar said. 

We burst into fits of laughter. 

"While he was sitting in the same restaurant he took three girls to on the same day," Bukar added. 

"Brunch, lunch and dinner," Muhsin said.

"Ibrahim, what gemstone does she like the best?" Ammi asks, putting her jewellers on hold. 

She'd been on the phone with them for nearly an hour now. 

"I would say diamonds but let me make sure," I say. 

"Hurry it up," she replies.

I shoot Fatima two texts. I knew about the "taking time to reply, so you don't come off desperate". I was once a teenager. 

"Just as I said, she likes diamonds best," I tell Ammi.

"You already know her so well, lover boy," Jafar teases. 

"I do," I reply, indulging in his antics.

"This is making me feel so single," Akram says, wiping a fake tear. 

Ammi whips her head around and gives him a menacing smile. 

"Shit! This is my cue to leave," He says. 

"Let's go eat," Jafar suggests. 

"To the dining room then," Bukar says. 

"I thought we were going out," Hud says. 

"Kai, I don't feel like spending even a hundred Naira today," Bukar replies. 

"A whole you?" I ask. 

"Yes, a whole me. I'm saving up for my wedding," He answers. 

Ammi whips her head around once more. 

Bukar and Akram quickly make a run for it, and we follow suit. 

"Come back and tell me your ring preferences," She calls after us. 

We had begun eating when Ailah called me. 

Me: What's up?

Ailah: Ya Ibrahim, who Is Ammi asking me to shop for?

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