Chapter 2

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         Loving never gave me a home.



"Please call as soon as you land and settle," My mom says, pulling me into the 11th hug today.

"I will", I respond."

She smiled at me while her palms caressed my cheeks. I grabbed unto her hands and looked at her face.

"I'm sorry," I say, a lone tear escaping my eyes.

She shakes her head from side to side.

"Please don't be. I know you need this. It hurts less knowing you're at least free of it for a while."

I fought back more tears.

"It feels weird to say this, but as much as I miss your brother, I'm happy he got away from all this. So quickly finish your schooling and do the same," she says, hugging me again.

"And before I forget, your uncle asked me to give you this. We know how you are about spending your dad's money, so use this instead," she adds, handing me my uncle's black card.

My uncle was her only family member who spoke to her. My grandfather wanted her to marry the son of his colleague, but ultimately, she chose love. Finally, my grand-uncle intervened, and she was able to marry my father.

Because of this, my grandfather forbade anyone from associating with her. My uncle broke this rule. He loved his sister with everything in him, and unlike the rest of their siblings, he achieved financial stability by himself.

So while the rest still leeched on their father, he did as he pleased.

I once asked her if she regretted not following her parent's wishes, and she said no because disobeying her parent gave her the gift of my brother and me, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

"What about you?" I asked.

"He says he'll send another one", she responds.

"I'll call and thank him once I'm in the car", I reply.

"You're still here. Are you trying to miss your flight?" my father asks.

He had gone to the mosque next door, and I hadn't even noticed him walk back in.

"She's just about to leave", my mom answered quickly.

"Have you said goodbye to your sister?" he asks.

"She's asleep", I reply curtly.

He gives me a look before making his way into the house.

I hug my mom one last time before getting into the car.

As we begin the drive to the airport, I pull out my phone to call my uncle.

Me: Hello.

Uncle: Fatima, how are you?

Me: I'm fine Alhamdullilah. What about you, uncle Samir?

Uncle: Your uncle is okay. He's lounging and growing old.

Me: I'm happy to hear that. Mama gave me the card. Thank you.

Uncle: You're welcome, my love, don't feel indebted and use it to your heart's content. I don't have anyone apart from you to squander my money.

Me: Don't you think you should change that?

Uncle: No, I'm content taking care of you and your mom only.

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