Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"What? I have to come with you!"

"No, this is serious Olivia, not another day trip to Troll Market." Jim said sternly.

"But what if something happens? You're my cousin! I brought my scooter I can keep up!"

"Jim... Let her come."

"Fine, but hurry."


Olivia drew an arch with the horngozel while I stayed slumped over on Jim's back. I glanced down at my phone seeing it was 4:20 am. I was so tired but the pain was keeping me awake.

We walked in through the crystalized door and made our way down the giant set of stairs.

"Are you sure our scooters will be fine out there?"

"Yeah, I've left mine out there before, they'll be okay."

"So what happened that made you-"

I planted my face in Jim's shoulder as if it'd stop the pain.

"Sorry..." She looked down.

"It's fine... I'll tell you tomorrow." I groaned. The pain felt like it wouldn't end, and if I was being honest I've probably dealt with worse.

We reached the market and the trolls looked at us as if we had done something bad.

Being down here was nothing new to them, only Olivia had been here one other time while Jim and I had been multiple.

"Blinky..." I pointed in front of us.

"What?" Jim looked back at me.

"She said blinky, as in blinky is right there." Olivia pointed in the same direction.

Jim let out a soft gasp, "Blinky!" He called out. "Olivia, go ask him where Vendel is."

Olivia ran over to Blinky who was chatting up another troll and got his attention. Blinky looked over frightened and made his way over to us with Olivia.

"Master Jim, what happened?"

"It was Angor Rot. Where's Vendel?"

"I do not know at the moment. Perhaps you could-"

"I am right here." We all turned to the tall yellow troll who stood before the troll clinic. His amber staff glowed ever so lightly as always. "Bring her inside, quickly."

We all followed Vendel inside, Jim being a bit more cautious of how he stepped. It was times like these where it seemed as if Vendel was always listening around here, like he heard all the secrets and rumors.

I looked over at Olivia, her face was filled with worry. Turned to Blinky, he had the same expression written all over his face. I could only imagine how Jim was feeling.

We stepped into the main room, it opened up into a room you'd find in a humans hospital except it had its own touch. The walls were stone just like everywhere else in this market, the tables made of carved wood, the tools made specifically for troll stone skin.

"Put her down on the table." Vendel instructed Jim as he gathered some tools.

Anxiety filled my mind as I examined the items. I had always felt nervous around Vendel despite him always being a gentle giant around me, but now that he was examining me it was a whole other type of nervousness.

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