On my terms

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It was finally time to see if I would win our bet or not. I almost knew I would and I had to make sure. Luckily we had full access to see the human world. We could follow the people we love and all that. It had been a week since I "died" and it was time to watch this go down.

As soon as he got back to earth I said let the games begin. He knew I was watching him. The school day was starting and everyone was at school. People were sad about my "death", oh well who cares I will probably come back anyway unless Kenny decides to date Tess, then I would probably just stay here until I get kicked out.

"Hey Kenny, how are you holding up?" Kyle asked him

"Not great, I still really miss Y/n"

I miss you too...

"Wheres fatass??"

"He decided to stay home hes confused and upset about his cousins death still too"

"Really again?"

"Yeah hes like really upset about it dude"

"Heyyy Ken, are you doing alright??"

"Not really Tess"

"ohhhh Im pretty upset too, I hope I can help cheer you up"

"I dont know I just-"

"No I insist really, we can have a movie night!"

"Oh I uh, I have to watch my sister tonight I cant"

"Okay, okay, can you drive me home tonight I have cheer leading and my dad isnt home sooo"

"Yeah I can do that I guess"

"Alright, I hope you start to feel better soon Ken" She had started rubbing his shoulders and my eye was twitching. I wanted to beat her skull in.

They didnt really talk very much the rest of the day. Kenny went home and later came back to pick Tess up. She was wearing a revealing dress and sneakers. She got in the car and put her legs up on the seat and leaned close to him.

He was driving and was halfway to Tess's house, "Whats up Tess?"

"Well Ken, I really like you and I can tell you like me too"

"W-what?" he paused, "No I dont" he said it seriously

"Oh come on were always flirting"

"No thats just us being friends"

"No baby boy, we clearly love each other"

"I dont love you, I-i love Y/n"

"Y/n is dead Ken, its been 2 weeks"

"NO! Shes not dead... in my mind!"

"Here just let me kiss you, youll like it I swear"

"N-" She kissed him but he pushed her off before she could get to serious about the kiss

"Get out of my car"


"You heard me, get. out. of. my. car"

"B-but its raining out"

"I dont care, I never want to talk to you again get out of my fucking car"

"Fine" She got out and I decided to come back to earth that night.

I got back around two in the morning and the first thing I did was knock on Erics door, he was crying.

"Go away mem!"

"No Eric its me"

"Y-Y/n" he opened the door and gave me a hug

"Hi Eric"

"Why didnt you com home, I thought you died for real"

"No I just stayed for a little bit, Im so sorry"

"I guess its okay"

"Goodnight Eric"

"Goodnight Y/n"

I texted Kenny

Y/n- Hey Kenny, come to my window I wanna talk

Kenny-Be right there!

I waited for 10 minutes and he was knocking on my window. I opened it and he came in

"Im so sorry for doubting you baby"

"I know, I saw it, I saw it all, thank you for not ya know leaving me"

"I would never, I love you so so much"

"I love you too"

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always"

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