Incidents Over

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That one hurt well here we go, I push open the gates to this place between heaven and hell.

"Hello Y/n, would you be staying or going back now?" The lady at the counter said with a nice smile

"I'll be going now, thank you"

"Of course!"

I was sent back and woke up conscious again. I had the worst headache but that was pretty usual, this was probably one of the more unusual deaths I've had. Crushed by a vending machine, how dumb, am I right?

Wendy was right I shouldnt have shook the vending machine but I guess I cant escape the kiss of death for long. Might as well get some advil, I brought mine with me just to make sure I had some. I took two and sipped down my water.

"Hey Y/n, you feeling okay"

"Yes Eric, Im fine"

"Alright, just making sure, you wanna hang out with the guys?"

"You going out now?"

"In like 30 minutes"

"Alright, I'll get ready"


I through on a f/c shirt, my coat, my gloves, and my jeans. I brushed my teeth and hair. I check my clock, jeez, its 9:00 a.m on Saturday. Must be I was sleeping after I got back to life.

Eric and I left the house to head to the park to just hang out again. We got there and they all just said hi to me like nothing happened, this I expected because no one remembers, what I did not expect however, was for Kenny to look at me like I was insane.

"H-hi Y/n" he said

"Oh, hey Kenny"

He didnt talk to me after that, just looked at me weird the whole day. I approached him a few hours later, "Hey Kenny, sorry I had to cancel our dinner yesterday, can we go out tonight instead"

"Y/n, what is happening?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, you died, or I thought, every ones treating me like im crazy, even you"

"Kenny, I think we need to talk privately about this" I led him around the corner

"Kenny, you arent supposed to remember that"

"You...didnt d-die"

"No, no, Im here"

"Im still alive, and considering you remember, I'll tell you, now your gonna think im delusional, Kenny, I cant die, I die all the time, and I always come back"

He stared at me his jaw slacked, "I know Kenny, this is the part where you call me crazy an-" He cut me off by embracing me so tight. I can hear his heart beating fast, "I love you, Im soo happy I found you" he let me go, "Kenny, what are you talking about"

"I-i cant die either" he was stuttering and starting to cry "I die all the time it hurts, I have been stabbed, shot, decapitated, etc, etc" I was confused but in the moment it all felt so right. It felt like he was telling the truth, I grabbed his hand, "Its okay, I believe you, dont cry" I was letting my emotions out and I almost was telling him how I felt about him but I couldnt, I just couldnt.


I was taking a stroll down the roads by the park to just get out.

I was walking along humming a song when I saw Kenny, he was holding her, tightly. She held his hands so tenderly, why did she choose him, the second biggest player in the school. I loved her, I really wanted her. And I would get what I wanted "mwah-hah-hah-ha"

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