The party date

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"Ooh one of Wendys infamous house partys!!" Bebe sounded ecstatic

"We need to set Y/n up with someone"

"Hmmm she could go with Clyde"

"Yeah hes really nice, we dated a while ago!" Bebe said

"Yeah plus him and Kenny have that rivalry thing!" Red chimed in

"I actually had another idea" I said

"Ooh you already like anotherrr guyyyy" Bebe said nudging me in the side

"W-well, no not really but, Kennys bestfriend-"


"Hear me out!! If Kenny cares he'll be jealous if not, Butters gets the best night of his life"

"You give him some girlfriend" Red half jokingly exclaimed

"Are you sure Y/n" Wendy asked me

"Im sure, absolutely sure" I death glared for for half a second

"Lets plan this party now, since its gonna be tonight"

We went on planning for another half an hour then we started walking around town inviting the other kids because we didnt have a school group chat anymore we walked through most of town until we got to Kenny's neighborhood and I wanted to cry again

"Heidi you stay here with Y/n we will invite Kenny"


"y/n are you okay??" Heidi was so quiet all the time it was weird to me

"Yes Heidi I'll be okay"


"Hes not there, probably still at Annie's house" Bebe rolled her eyes

"What an asshole, we're sorry Y/n"

"Its fine Wendy, you warned me, just glad I have good friends like you girls!"

"Yeah, he lost a great girl, when he cheated on you"

"Yeah!" The girls exclaimed in unison

We kept walking and knocking until we reached Butters door. His parents werent home again.

"Girls I got it from here, I wanna ask him out"


I knocked on the door and after a few minutes he answered the door

"What a surprise, heya Y/n!!"

"Hi Butters, so Wendy's having a party tonight and I wanted to ask you if we could go... like together??"

"REALLY?? You wanna go with me?!"

"Yes Butters, I do wanna go with you"

"Well, do you want to come in??"

"Hold on, Im gonna tell the other girls, be right back"

I walked over to them

"Hey can I hang with Butters for a little??"

"Yeah of course, see ya later, text us if you need anything"

"Bye girls"

"Bye Y/n"


I walked down the sidewalk back to Butters door where he ushered me inside.
"How are you Butters?"

"Well not great, how are you?"

"Im okay"

We played hello kitty island adventures and messed around in the house for a few hours

"Alright Butters, I need to get ready"

"Me too!!"

"Ill see you later"

"Hey Y/n, Can I pick you up for the party, I-i mean I dont have a car but we can walk to Wendys together"

"Thats perfect Butters"

I left and went home to get ready, how would Kenny feel, god I really loved him, I felt bad for Butters, he didnt deserve me to manipulate him like this.

I decided to wear a short f/c dress and some heels. I already left the house before I realized I forgot my jacket, I was starting to get cold. Butters picked me up wearing a suit, he dressed up nice actually.

"Hi Y/n"

"Hi Butters"

"You look nice Y/n"

"You too"

He saw me shiver

"Are you cold??"

"Yeah but I'll be fine"

"Oh here" he took his suit jacket off and put ti around my shoulders, we were holing hands, oh god, oh god..

I was starting to feel really bad about this. We walked into the party and I saw Kenny there he was standing in the corner bored. He saw me and I saw him, "Hey Butters, could you get me a drink from the kitchen??"

"oh yeah!"

Kenny walked over to me "What do you think your doing??"

"What do you mean??"

"What are you doing here with him??"

"Kenny its not a big deal"

He ripped the jacket off me, "Not a big deal?! NOT A BIG DEAL?! I try to save your ass and be with you and you are willing to give it all up for fucking Butters??"

"Im not giving shit up!! Kenny your the one that cheated on me!"

"What the fuck are you talking about??"

I pulled out my phone and I showed him the picture "Care to fucking explain??"

He laughed


"Sorry, sorry, thats an old picture see?" he grabbed his phone and pulled it up in his camera roll and sure as hell, the picture was taken 7 months ago.

"But why werent you at your house or answering my calls??"

"I uh died yesterday so thats why I didnt see you and my data is out, I have no wifi at my house and I have no data left so I cant send or get texts"


"Heya Y/n!! Im back with your dr-" Kenny kissed me right at that moment he walked in. Butters  dropped my punch on the floor and the glass shattered. He ran out crying

"Wait Butters!! I-"

"Its fine baby, im here now" Kenny whispered in my ear, maybe things would get better again


Hi guys, how do you feel about me writing another fic, new story line and all that. I was thinking of writing like a Butters/Vic Chaos fanfic, tell me if you guys will read it lol!!


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