The Vending Machine

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I woke up the next morning my face still tight from crying.

I wanted to lay down and just cry and cry but I didnt, I just put together a casual outfit, brushed my hair and teeth, and went downstairs. "Are you okay, Sweety?" Liane asked me

"Yeah just fine, I didnt get a lot of sleep last night"

"Oh, Im sorry"

"No Im fine"

"I made f/f"

"Thats my favorite food!! Thank you so much!"

"No problem Sweety"

Aunt Liane was brightening the day and I was so thankful for her. Eric was pretty quiet for once, I really enjoyed the peace. We walked to the bus stop and the peace ended the boys were a buzz all except for Kenny. I stood next to him, he seemed upset, "K-kenny, are we still going out for diner at raisins tonight?"

"oh uh yeah, of course"


He was acting so strange, I wonder what happened.

He didnt sit with me on the bus today, did I do something?? He didnt talk to me first, second, third, fourth, or fifth. He talked to me at lunch finally, Im so happy that we can finally talk now. "So Y/n are you sure you want to go to Raisins?? Are you sure you dont want to go somewhere nicer and more private for our date?"

"Kenny, Its not a date and Raisins is fine"

"Fine, its not a date, but we will go on a date one day baby" He said playfully

"Maybe someday Kenny my love" I said trying to sound like I was joking even though I wasnt, joking was the only way I could deal with this, Kenny would get over me soon, he was a playboy, and plus I didnt want to live forever seeing the person I love die. 

It was towards the end of the day I was walking past the vending machine talking with Wendy and Bebe about guys and other shit, "Hold on girls, Im gonna get a soda out of the vending machine." They stood off to the side while I put a dollar into the machine, I put int the number and the can wouldnt fall, what the fuck?? I kicked it and still nothing. I started shaking the machine. "Y/n, I really wouldnt d-" As Wendy was talking the Vending machine fell on me.

That shit hurts, I Squealed and the last thing I heard was running and screaming.


I heard screaming and I started running towards the screaming. When I got to the Vending Machine I saw her, I froze.

There she was, my beautiful Y/n crushed by a vending machine, I started to cry. I saw Cartman and he didnt seem upset, he seemed almost unbothered. It pissed me off at how unbothered he seemed. He started to leave when I went over to him, "What the fuck man, your cousin just died and you dont even care?!" I said hot tears running down my face

"Kenny, you dont know shit about Y/n" With that he walked away

"Children you have been dismissed, please report to the bus loop. People started to leave, her head was poking out under the vending machine that killed her. I moved her hair out of her face, gave her a kiss on her forehead "I love you, forever and always"

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