A date at Raisins

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I wanted to look nice, the last two weeks in South Park had actually been really good. I enjoyed it here. Now I was going to have my first date with Kenny. Not my first date ever but OUR first date together.

I was quite familiar with Raisins, I used to work there when I was younger. My family needed some money and I worked at a Raisins for a little while. I didnt care where the date was, I was just happy to go out.

I grabbed my small purse Liane had gotten me and the small amount of money I had and headed for the door. Kenny was parked outside and he was standing leaning on the car. I opened the door and started to leave when I was grabbed by my cousin Eric, "Y/n, you arent seriously going to go out with that poor asshole??"

"Actually I am, and I was poor too Eric, I dont care how much money he has"

Then I left. "Wow you look really nice"

"Thank you Kenny" I said giggling a little, goddammit!

"Lets get going then" he opened the door for me, "M'lady"

"Why thank you" I said planting a little kiss on his cheek. He blushed a shade of bright red. I did that too get back at him for making me giggle. His truck was a piece of shit but that didnt bother me much. The paint was chipped, the seats were ripped, the door was nearly falling off, it was beat up or as some would call it well loved, I'd say it held "love" in it.

We arrived at Raisins and went inside. "table for two?" the waitress asked


"Right this way sweethearts" We were seated at a table in the back of the restaurant.

"So, uh, fancy date, huh my dear?" Kenny was being sarcastic and it was funny to me

"The finest in all the land"

"Why didnt you want to go somewhere nicer, I could have taken you"

"Kenny, its not exactly a secret your short on money, I didnt want you to spend too much money on me"

"I know Im short on money, but I love you, I want to care for you, honestly, most girls I would bring here and have no second thoughts, but I want us too be together, your worth that money, you really are. Y/n, you deserve it, I love you"

There was an awkward pause, "I-i love you too Kenny" I whispered, I did love him but I really didnt want to admit it to him, myself, or anyone around us, I just dont know how Im gonn-

"What youd you like to order??" The waitress cut off my train of thought

"I want the buffalo wings" Kenny gestured towards me because I was still half zoned out

"Oh, u-uh I'll take f/f"

"Alright I'll get that right out for you!"

"Y/n, are you alright you seem really out of it"

"Oh no Kenny, Im okay"

We spent the rest of the dinner mostly talking about our childhoods, Kenny had crazy stories and I loved hearing them.


We got back in the truck and Kenny started it up, "Uh, Y/n, Can you ice skate?"

"I think so, I used too go sometimes but I havent been in forever"

"Well, my dear, we are gonna go ice skating" he started to drive

"K-kenny, I really d-dont think-"

"Dont worry, I'll even help you out"

I knew he would, he was amazing. He noticed I was tense, he grabbed my hand and held it, "Its okay, dont be nervous, I'll be here holding your hand the whole time"

We arrived at Starks pond and started skating. Kenny gave me a spare pair of skates and we started to just do laps around. After about 3 laps I said "Hey, I think I got it"

"Alright, Im gonna let go now" He let go of me and I tripped and almost fell. I got it, I got it, I got it, Kenny skated away, clearly showing off "ASSHOLE, GET BACK HERE" I screamed running at him, But when I got close too him I tripped and fell into him.

We landed in a pile on the ice.

"Your shivering"

"I-i know Kenny"

We stayed like that for what seemed like eternity but couldnt have been more than 3 minutes. Kenny and I skated over too the bench and put our normal shoes back on. We were both standing when Kenny swept me off my feet literally.

He put me in the truck and I was still shivering, "Awh baby, your really shivering"

"Yeah, just a bit cold"

"Here" He put his parka on me and he drove me home.

"Goodnight Y/n"

"Oh Kenny dont you want your parka back?"

"Keep it for the night"

"Oh- I u-uh-"

He kissed me, "I love you"

"I love you too" 

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