The train tracks

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They were walking and I realized holy shit the cult, the two were acting strange. Like they were walking with each other and holding hands, hold on, holding hands, wait relationships were not allowed within the cult.

"James, stop that you dont want to end up like M/n and F/n Cartman??"

I was enraged my mother and father, do not bring up my mom and dad in a negative light... sure they were druggies and they didnt know what they were doing, they werent the greatest parents but dont. you. dare!! The guy James started to get close to her, I needed dirt on them just incase, I also got lucky I had a pocket knife with me just in case.

"Im sorry Olivia, I just cant stay away from you, I love you, I wanna marry you"

"i love you" she whispered

"Dont be scared the cult cant hear you here"

"James please, lets just go back to hunting for the unkillable"

"Okay oka-"

I jumped out knocking over some of the boxes

Olivia got scared and jumped into her lovers arms. James pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

"Gotcha, dont move"

"Really you think Im scared"

"shit" he muttered. Im glad he was nervous

I stepped forward i saw him start to pull the trigger and I ducked down. It went right over my head and i ran at the pair pocket knife in hand.

James grip on the gun was very loose as he was surprised and scared and I knocked it out of his hand. I slashed Olivias leg because if she was hurt it would be easier to get James and Olivia in my captivity.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN NIT!! YOU BASTARD" James screamed holding his lovers hand

"James I-i am okay I-i'll be fine"

I was using my quick thinking when I saw some rope on the side of the pavement and I grabbed it, walked up to James and kicked him in the back of the head. He went to get up and I punched him in the nose causing him to stumble back onto the train track. Luckily the track was abandoned. I jumped down and since he fell I was able to tie his legs and arms up. I dragged him back out of the train tracks Then I tied up Olivia. She was bleeding a lot, I didnt realize how deep the cut I made was, I didnt want her to die.

"Hold on Olivia" I touched her leg

"AGH What are YOU doing" she was breathing heavily

"Olivia, Im sorry I did this, I dont in fact want you to die"

"I want you to die Y/n" She spat back at me, I rolled my eyes and took off my belt

"What what are you doing" James was passed out from his fall on the train tracks

"Im trying to stop the bleeding. I want to be a nurse actually, not important now but..."

I tied it and it looked tight enough the blood flow was slowing

"I hope you realize I cant let you go"

"fuck you"

"Yeah fuck you too"

I pulled out my phone and called Kenny "Come on pick up, pick up"

"aw does the little baby need help" Olivia chuckled at me, god what a bitch

Kenny didnt pick up, time to move on to my next contact, Eric...

"Y/n, whats going on?? Where are you?? Was it that poor asshole or that SNEAKY JE-"

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