Spoiled movie night and unnecessary death

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He drove over to my house after sports practice and we went into the basement to watch a movie. I put on f/m.

"Oh this is actually pretty good. Good choice my dear, good choice."

"Thank you" I smiled at him and he gave me a quick kiss.

We had watched about halfway through the movie and we were cuddling when his phone went off. He pulled it out and read it with a worried expression.

"What wrong Ken??"

"I-Its Tess," GODDAMN THIS STUPID BITCH, "Her dad didnt pick her up from school shes been there all day, I gotta go pick her up"

"Cant you just ask someone else??"

"No shes a good friend" He got up and started putting his coat on, "So im gonna help her"

"B-but what about movie night??'

"We can do that another night, I love you bye!!" He just left walked up the stairs and left the basement. No kiss or hug or anything. He just left me there so there I sat sobbing on the couch. A few minutes passed and auntie Liane came down stairs.

"Hey sweeti- whats wrong??" she came over to me and gave me a hug

"Nothing much, j-just my boyfriend left to pick up some other girl"

"Oh no, im so sorry"

"Its okay"

"Come on upstairs for bed, maybe some sleep will help you"


She got me a glass of milk and two cookies she said it was to make me "feel better" and it kind of did, I mean I was still really upset but her cookies were really good. I ended up falling asleep a little bit after.


I got to school and people were very visually upset.

"whats going on??"

"Oh my, you didnt know." Tess said to me, her eyes were red and puffy from crying

"Know what??"

"L-last night, Ken came to pick me up and when he was driving back h-home he got in a c-car accident" She started wailing which made me very pissed off

"Look okay, I dont know whats going on with you but stop fucking calling my boyfriend Ken, I call him that, I am dating him, he is not dating you"

"What the fuck is wrong with you cant you see how upset I am, hes dead!!"

"No, you dont understand, you have been an asshole ever since I met y-"

"ME?! I have been trying to be nice to you ever since I got here! You just wont stop being mean to me, stop being such a bitch and realize hes fucking DEAD"

I had to talk to him so I ran outside and I stood is front of a car and it hit me, ouch. But I was dead and know I could talk to Kenny.

"Hello Y/n, staying or going back"


"Okay your room is two doors down and on the left"

"Actually Maam if you dont mind I need to talk to someone here"

"Alrighty, who is it you want to talk to??"

"Kenny Mccormick"

"Okay, one floor up, 9th room on the right"


I got up to his room fairly quick and came in.


"Y/n, what the fuck"


"Why were you being so mean to Tess today??"


"Could you stop acting like a crazy bitch, I have a headache"

"No, You clearly cant see thats shes flirting with you, she wants to date you"

"She doesnt like me, shes just a good friend"



"Okay, okay, okay, here, Ill make a bet"


"You go back to earth, I will stay up here and you see if she likes you or not. If she likes you, you apologize to me and we get a movie night, if she doesnt then I will apologize to you and you can chose whatever you want to do"


"Deal" That night he went back to earth and I went back to my room.

Now we will see... Now we will see

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