Intro to South Park

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I get off the plane and leave the airport, the air here is so much cleaner than in h/t. I look around the parking lot until I find a woman with brown hair and a teal color shirt, thats aunt Liane!! She spots me first.

"Y/n over here, sweety!"

"Hi Mrs. Cartman!"

"Please sweety, call me Liane" She said with a slight giggle

"Alright" We get into the car and head toward the house. We make small talk about what room im gonna be in and such until we pull into the driveway.

I run upstairs with my suitcase and put it in the room before opening Erics room, no one was there. "Oh Sweety, Eric is at the park with his friends I can give you directions if you want" "Oh really, thank you so much!" 

She wrote down instructions on how to get to the park, they were simple directions and I didnt really need them but i kept them in my pocket just incase. I got on my f/c coat and a matching pair of gloves. Its really cold here.

On my way to the park I see a little girl in pigtails and a green coat playing with a red bouncy ball in the road. I watch her for a moment before noticing on oncoming car I screamed watch out as I ran into the road and tackled her out of the way of the car. We both land in the soft snow and shes crying. "Shhhhh, its okay your safe now. Whats your name??"


"okay Karen, Its gonna be okay" I coo running my hand along the side of her head trying to calm her down.

 A figure is running toward us now, a tall boy in an orange parka that covers most of his face. "KAREN ARE YOU OKAY???" He yells while running then kneels next to her and I. I let her go and she embraces him immediately "I-I thought I was gonna d-die" she chokes out between sobs "B-but then she saved me" She points at me and after a minute she stops crying and grabs her ball. "Be safe Karen, okay?? I dont want that to happen again, stay out of the road please" He says in a voice sweeter than honey, it warms my heart seeing familys so connected.

"Okay Ill stay out of the road" She says and gives him another hug then unexpectedly turned around and gave me a hug "Thank you so much, you saved me" She then runs back to playing with her ball.

"Hi, Im Kenny" he finally turns to me and says. I can barely understand him, his speech is muffled through the parka hood.

"Im Y/n"

"I dont think ive seen you around here before"

"Oh, yeah thats because im new here, I just moved"

"Oh cool, well where are you headed??"

"Oh im headed to the park"

"Oh really?? Me too, I can take you there if you want"

"Thatd be nice, thanks Kenny"

"No problem"


Im walking to the park to meet my friends were gonna play basketball again, when the weather is okay thats what we do.

Im walking when I see a girl run into the road and grab Karen while a car drives by. I immediately run over shouting to see what is going on. She is trying to comfort Karen I can tell. I kneel down and Karen gives me a hug. 

"I-I thought I was gonna d-die" she chokes out between sobs "B-but then she saved me" She points at the mystery girl. "I know, Its okay Karen, its gonna be okay"

After telling Karen to stay safe I turn to this girl and god she was hot. 

"Hi im Kenny"

"Im Y/n"

Hmm Y/n a pretty name for a pretty girl. She tells me she going to park and so I offer to take her and so thats that. Were off to the park.


So we make small talk about the weather and my hometown until we get to the park which takes about 3 minutes. As soon as we get there I see Eric and I start running and I give him a hug and he hugs me back. "Y/n what are you doing here"

"I moved in with you guys I can finally live with my brother"

Everyone looks at us confused so I explain, "He isnt really my brother, hes my cousin but we were inseparable when we were young so our family made a joke about us being siblings."

Everyone still looked kind of confused and only one boy with a orange coat and green hat spoke "Hmm"

"Oh, I should probably introduce myself, how rude of me, Im Y/n, Im from h/t" The green hat boy introduced everyone"Im Kyle, thats Stan, and thats Kenny"

"You guys, even though shes a chick you dont have to act like shes a parasite" Cartman said

"Dude we arent concerned because shes a chick, were concerned because shes your cousin fatass" Kyle said


I stepped aside while they continued their little screaming match. "Are they always like this?"  I asked "Mhm" said Stan "I dont remember him being like that but maybe thats because I havent seen him in 9 years" I said.


Y/n is Cartmans cousin?? But Y/n is so nice and shes hot, Ive seen most of Cartmans family she looked nothing like them!!

How could it be that a girl like Y/n could be related to Cartman the most awful bastard I just dont fucking understand.

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