I decided  to wear something kind of fashionable but also casual. I think the only times I really pick outfits out is when I go out with Aaru because he has so many cool pieces in his closet.

We ended up biking to a coffee shop that was near our apartment complex and that also had some thrift stores surrounding it. Aaru is the type of person to go thrifting for a long time so we made sure to leave a little bit earlier.

We sit down and order our coffee and Aaru asks me the question i'm hoping he wouldn't ask.

"What's so special about this girl?" He pauses. "Scratch that was does she look like?"

I've been not so proudly stalking Salems instagram recently, i haven't liked or interacted with anything but just being able to see her is enough for me.

I pull up her most recent post and show him. He looks at me suspiciously and then laughs.

"Yea okay, totally not weird that you have her instagram but haven't said anything."

"Aaru shut the fuck up."

"Yikes , my bad lover boy I do understand though she's beautiful."

Yea no shit Sherlock I know. If only he could see her in person.

We finish up at the coffee shop, which i'm happy about because the whole time Aaru was antagonizing me about Salem. He found the whole thing hilarious but the whole time I was thinking about how hard it would be to hide his body.

We walk around downtown for a bit just finding cool places and cool clothes, Aaru of course is flirting with almost every girl that he comes across. Using his "i'm a lost french boy and I need your help" facade. It makes me want to barf and I almost got him caught a couple of times because he also uses me for the whole thing.

To say he's an asshole is an understatement.

We eventually make it to the center of downtown to end up at this persons studio. When we walk in the vibes are pretty okay. There's a couple of people smoking, drinking, and rolling up i'm not really a smoker if i'm being honest I had a really bad cigarette thing last year and i'm pretty sure i'm over it. I mostly drink and I really only do that when i'm out.

I end up sitting down next to Aaru on this comfortable ass couch, we end up waiting for like 4 more people to show up and when they do the album begins.

I grab a glass of scotch and go sit bad down but i'm stopped by someone.

A girl about 5"2 grabs my wrist. She looks up at me through her eyelashes and grabs my collar.

"How about I show you to the room upstairs." She purrs in my ear. Her saying in more like a statement and not a question. Which I think is a big turn off.

I push her off of me making sure i'm not to rough with her. "Yea no, i'm fine usually i would say yes but your presence-" as soon as i'm about to finish my sentence my phone rings.

Damn, Sai just saved this poor girls life.

"Now if you'd excuse me I have to take this." I wink at the now flustered girl and i walk outside.

"What is it hyung? you just ruined my chance to cuss someone out."

I hear him sigh in the other end. "When will you become nicer dear brother?"

"When hell freezes over." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Yea yea, I'll make this quick If you have any plans right now cancel them-"

"Sai what the fuck." I say cutting him off.

"Saul shut the fuck up and give me the chance to speak your older brother is talking. like I was saying." He pauses. "Reign invited me to hang out with the rest of the girls, and I invited you so you can talk to Salem. I have a plan to get you two alone for a good 20-30 minutes don't fuck it up dear brother. If you're not still a pussy come to my house."

"Hyung what are you-" and with that he hung up on me.

I sigh an pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Why me?"

I decide to do an Irish goodbye because I have all my stuff with me already and I don't particularly want to see that girl again. I text Aaru the details and I uber to my house to pick up my car.

I pull up to my brothers mini mansion to find that he's already outside working on one of his old sports cars. You would think this guy is Keiichi Tsuchiya because he swears he's a race car driver.

I get out the car and walk up to him.

"Hey hyung what is it?"

"Oh so you're not as much of a pussy after all." He chuckles and gets up from his car leaving me to follow him like a lost puppy.

We eventually end up in his kitchen.

"Coffee?" he asks while preparing his very expensive coffee machine that Solana got him for his birthday last year. He never stops using that thing ever since Solana got it for him.

"Hyung tell me what it is stop avoiding what you know i'm going to ask."

"Wow so I can't just spend time with my little brother, all I am to you now is someone with information." He sighs dramatically while giving me my coffee.

"Thank you hyung,"

"Okay," he begins. "Reign's friend Hyesol planned for them to hang out tonight they're already eating dinner and I already told reign you would go so she already told the rest of the girls ."

"Okay so what does this have to do with me?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"You've got to stop cutting me off, let me finish. So the thing is after they're done eating the plan was to go to this really nice jazz club downtown. See i'm bringing one of my smaller cars so it would be a squeeze to fit 5 people in there including you so I came up with a plan to have Salem ride with you."

Well i'll be dammed.

"Hyung that sounds nice in all but the girl quite literally wants to rip my head off and she made that abundantly clear." I sigh.

"Wow, my little brother has officially become a certified pussy." He laughs and begins to walk off.

"Okay then I guess Salem will find someone else at the club or she'll be on the phone with that Ital-"

I cut him off. "Yea fuck you, i'll go."

"That's more like it, i'm glad you're already dressed for the occasion."

And with that Sai walks up the stairs to get ready.

I really hope this doesn't go to shit.

AN: Hey guys i've been trying to write more chapters since school is out i'll most likely be more consistent. I also hope some characters aren't too cringey it's just that i'm trying to develop relationships and characters. I want all the timelines and relationships to make sense as well which is why it's taking a while to write more chapters.

I also really like writing from other peoples Povs that aren't just Salem maybe i'll write from Sai's pov so he can talk about him and Reigns relationship?!?!!

Anyways let me know what you think and maybe some ideas and things you want to see 😘

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