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("The Massacre at Hawkins Lab" II)

PENNY WAS TEN SECONDS AWAY FROM DITCHING EVERYONE. She wasn't disloyal, she was just scared and rightfully so. She was in a whole other dimension. What other emotion is there to be felt other than fear? None.

The brunette let out a yawn, the events of the previous few days finally catching up with her. She was tired. But she couldn't rest or sleep. She had to save Max and Charlie and if she couldn't, well she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She had to be the hero. She had to help. And until she could help fix everything, she wouldn't rest.

Frank seemed the only person to notice Penny's state. He grew sad at it. There was nothing he hated more than seeing her sad—well, he did really hate bad grades. Frank wrapped an arm around her shoulder, as they walked through the woods of the Upside Down, and Penny swore she could just fall asleep in his embrace. The familiar warmth of Frank could always calm her--maybe that's what happens when you spend so much time with someone; they become your home.

"You okay?" the Henderson boy questioned softly.

Penny nodded, exhausted, knowing that she wasn't okay. She was far from it. But she had to be strong. If not her, then who? Her whole life she had tried to be the strong one. If she wasn't strong, then she was weak. And her dad had always told her to never be weak. The weak die, and only the strong survive. Those words created a picture of a food pyramid, the weakest and smallest are the first to go, but the big and strong stay and come out on top. Penny didn't want to be at the bottom. So she forced herself to be this strong person and she created this front. She was an actress in a way—concealing how she truly was. Sure, on the outside she seemed to have all her shit together, but on the inside she was breaking and screaming and crying. Everything hurt, but no one would ever know.

The girl put up her front once again, as she saw the group stop at Skull Rock—the otherworld version.

"Go under there," Steve said as he pointed at the structure, wincing slightly. The teens listened to his words and went under the rock, watching in fear as the bats flew every which way, littering the sky. Their screeches echod through the dark sky.

Penny sucked in a sharp breath, as ominous thoughts filled her head. Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"I got you," he whispered in her ear.

Though Penny knew he was just trying to comfort her, it didn't work. She had too much anxiety and there was nothing he or anyone else could do about it.

When the bats had left the group of six, they slowly made their way out of the little shelter the rock had created.

"Oh... okay," said Robin, shaken up, as she maneuvered her way out. "That was close."

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ▷ Steve Harringtonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن