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("The Sauna Test" I)

"I KNOW YOU WANNA LEAVE ME, BUT I REFUSE TO LET YOU GO. If I had to beg and plead for your sympathy, I don't mind, 'cause you mean that much to me. Ain't too proud to beg and you know it. Please don't leave me girl," Penny quietly sang along to the Temptations song playing on the radio in her room.

"You know, you have a great voice," Robin complimented, her voice sounding through Penny's phone.

"Thanks, Rob," Penny thanked, as she danced around her room.

"I don't know why you never tried out for any musicals. Your work is great behind the scenes, but I'm sure it'd be great, if it wasn't," Robin said.

"Well, I appreciate that, but I'm just not an actress. Plus, I like telling people what to do so..."

Robin laughed, "I've gotta go, Penny. I'll see you at work."

"Bye," Penny said into the phone.

"Later." Robin hung up the phone and Penny placed it back where it was. Nearly seconds later, the phone rang again. Penny picked it up.

"Robin, is everything alright?" Penny asked.

"It's not Robin," uttered Frank's voice.

"Oh. Hey, Frankie," Penny greeted with a smile.

"You'll never believe what happened yesterday," the boy said.

"What?" Penny asked slowly.

"Okay, so Nancy was trying to interview this lady—Mrs. Driscoll—over some fertilizer because a rat was eating it. Let's just say the guys at Hawkins Post did not like the story. Anyway, we went back yesterday to give those douchebags proof—the rat—and we went into Mrs. Driscoll's basement to see her eating fertilizer, like some weirdo," Frank explained.

Penny's mouth was open so wide that her grandmother would tell her she'd catch flies. "That's so weird. Is she alright?"

"I'm not sure. She did go to the hospital last night," Frank revealed.

"Oh no. I hope she feels better," Penny expressed, flopping on her bed.

"I do, too. I was thinking about going to see her later today. I'll make sure to keep you updated, if I do," Frank informed.

"Okay." Penny checked the time on her clock and jumped up from her bed. "Shit! I've gotta get to work. Call you later?"

"You know it," Frank remarked.

"Goodbye, I love you," Penny said, as she hung up the phone. She sat upright on the side of the bed and put on her Reeboks. Penny stood up and grabbed her backpack from her desk chair. She opened it up and checked to make sure all her essentials were there. Once she checked that, she left her room and went into the living room to see her father sprawled out on the couch. Penny inspected the man and noticed a cut and bruise on his face.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ▷ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now