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("The Monster and the Superhero" I)

"DO YOU THINK WE BOUGHT TOO MUCH?" Frank questioned the others, glancing in the trunk of Penny's van. The group had just driven away from the grocery store, buying food to satisfy Eddie for the time being.

Penny shook her head from the driver's seat, "No, I don't think so. I mean, the food will last him for a few days. And what else can he do, besides eating?"

Frank nodded at her words, realizing she made a good point.

"It was expensive, though," Steve commented, to himself. He was nice enough to pay for all of it—well, he only paid because Penny made him.

Penny rolled her eyes at him. "Steve, really?"

"What?" he remarked defensively. "I could be spending my money on more important things like our own groceries,"

Penny smiled a bit at his words. "True, but do you really want Eddie to starve."

"Babe, to be honest with you, it wouldn't hurt me," Steve revealed.

Penny just shook her head. "You're lucky I'm crazy in love with you, or I would've slapped your for that."

Steve smiled at her teasingly. "You're madly in love with me?"

The Hopper girl shook her head at his words. "I know you're not talking."

Steve just chuckled. "I think this is the sweetest and shortest argument we've ever had."

"It's a new record," Penny admitted, causing Steve to chuckle again. The couple continued to converse in the car about the most random things, while the others either talked or stared out the window.

"Hey, Max?"

Max lifted her head up at the quiet sound of Frank's voice. "Hm?"

"How are you doing?" the blond whispered to her.

She shrugged. "Alright, I guess."

"You know if something's wrong you can always tell me, right?"

The redhead nodded at his words. "Yeah, I know. I've just been... busy. Thank you for the letters and poems, by the way. I'm really happy for you, with..."

Frank chuckled at her words, knowing who she was talking about. "Thanks. I missed you, Maxie."

Max rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I told you to stop calling me that. It's really stupid."

The blond nudged her shoulder. "That's why I call you it. I really would like for you to talk to me. I'll always listen and be there. I understand if it's hard to talk to people, so maybe try to write. Trust me, it's a lot easier."

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ▷ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now