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("The Body" I)

PENNY'S ROOM WAS COLD AND QUIET. The eyes of the girl were red and puffy. The feel of tears remained on her cheeks. Her breathing was heavy. She sat in the dark. She abandoned her friends. Her family. She was disappointed in herself.

Penny looked around her bedroom. The pink, wallpaper covered walls were filled with posters, pictures, and shelves.

She turned around on her bed and stared at the pictures on her nightstand.

One was of her and her dad on Christmas last year. She actually got him to smile. In the picture, Penny wore a red sweater and a Santa hat. Her dad had her in a side hug. The teen smiled at it.

Another one was Penny, Frank, Beth, and Ryan after the first play they were a part of. Ryan and Beth were still in their costumes.

Her smile faltered, when she turned to a picture of herself and the boys. They looked so happy. It was after a game of D&D. Will was hugging Penny who was making a silly face. Her eyes began to water at the very sight of the boy.

Penny rolled over so she was laying horizontally. She stared up at the plain ceiling, feeling the so empty and hopeless.

The phone on her other nightstand rang and Penny groaned. She rolled to the right and answered.

"Hello?" Penny's voice had a slight cry in it.

"Hey, Pen. How's everything? I miss you," The voice greeted cheerily.

"Just peachy," Penny lied.

"That's great! Sorry I haven't talked to you in a few days. Work has been a bit hectic," the voice revealed. "Anyway, how's the play going?"

"Good. I'm happy to finally be an assistant director," Penny replied, playing with the cord of her phone.

"It took them long enough. I know I've said this before but I'm so proud of you. I'm gonna try to get some plane tickets so I can fly out and see it."

"Cool. That's a good idea," Penny commented.

"How's that friend of yours?"

"He's doing alright." Penny cringed at her tone.

"Good, good. I'm gonna end this call early. I know you probably have to do some homework. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom," Penny replied. The line went dead and Penny placed the phone back. She sighed and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, she stood up and walked to her dresser. Penny placed both hands on top of it and looked into the mirror. She took in her appearance. "I look terrible," she thought, staring at herself. Penny looked down and took her hands off the surface.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ▷ Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now