The bodyguards had kept them covered from all sides and they had to avoid any potential threat but one of them was being jealous with several eyes on Celine. She wanted them to stop, for that she had very violent ideas but the situation didn't allow any single one of them. 

They reached the table where they had to sit, there were snacks and drinks being served to VIPs amidst many dance performances and award being presented and everybody was enjoying the event . Praya's thinking shifted to another direction. 'Celine is the daughter of Boss?' 'How is this possible?' 'Why didn't she tell me?' 'Oh that's why she couldn't tell me back then'  all these thoughts and many questions were revolving in her mind which weren't going away no matter how much she tried.


"And now the most awaited award of the evening  - Businessman of the year. This award goes to..... Mr. Kittisak Jones, the owner of Jones Transportation. We would like to welcome you to say a few words please sir!"

"Thank you, thank you soo much everyone. I am really grateful to every single employee who helped me reach this place. It's an honour to stand in front of you all to accept this award but I would like to thank my children the most... come on the stage kids."

All three of them were proud of their dad at that moment. "It would not be possible without the love that they all give me" Kittisak said when all of them were at stage. Praya stood below and reminisced about her father when the family was having their moment on the stage. 

Then she remembered everything- how he died because of a traitor who presented themselves as a friend before. The difficult times her mother had to go through and the rigorous training which was absolutely brutal she, her sister and Tina were forced to do just to find the ones who fled away. These thoughts helped her focus on her main goal.

"I need some timeout. Please handle everything here" She told Praifah and went away. Celine saw her go outside while she was descending the stage. She followed her because she wanted to properly talk to her in peace. 

On her way somebody caught her hands and covered her mouth from behind. She was dragged aside by three men who were reeking of alcohol. She wasn't able to move because of her long ass dress and her position. They tied her hands tightly and put a cloth over her mouth and her eyes. She couldn't believe that she was being abducted on her first day out as THE DAUGHTER. 

Those guys had planned to abduct and harass her and then just leave her in that state in front of the media. They thought that this would atleast weaken the most feared gangster. Just as the leader of the three was about to touch her somebody pulled his hair and threw him on the ground. 

Celine was crying because she was helpless, she thought that all the training was a waste when she was not even able to protect herself then she heard the scream of the bad guy, she knew that someone had come to help her. Even though her eyes were covered and she wasn't able to recognize that person, it motivated her to fight back.

With full force she tried to kick one of the two guys ,with both her legs, who were dumbfounded by what just happened with their leader and it landed perfectly. He fell very hard and broke his nose, the last person was trying to run away but he was also caught and Celine's helper slapped that person once, twice, thrice- "Please let me go... I'm sorry let me go~" He started crying

"SHUT UP YOU FOOL! YOU DARED TO TOUCH HER WITH THOSE HANDS RIGHT? I'M GONNA BREAK E V E R Y  S I N G L E  B O N E OF THOSE HANDS" Celine could recognize that voice anywhere in this world, it was Praya's. She was evidently very angry and was going to do everything she just said.

"P'Sun keep these fuckers tied just like they did to her till I come back" She had a very scary vibe even for Sun. She walked towards Celine, knelt on one knee and untied her hands, legs, mouth and finally her eyes. Her watery eyes fuelled Praya's rage but right now her priority was Celine who hugged her the moment she was free. Praya helped her stand and walk but Celine's leg got injured while she was being dragged. She was slightly limping.

"It's ok just stand still for a while" Praya said assuring Celine and she lifted her up. 

Praya carried Celine to her green room. Celine wasn't able to believe what all had happened in just these 2 hours but whatever was happening now is the best of all. She felt safe in Praya's arms like that and she didn't want that to end. She started to sulk when they reached the green room.

"It feels like I am your bride and you carried me to our room" Celine was so shy but still said all that. It made Praya smiled and her ears turned red, this time she was able to see them because of the proximity. Praya very delicately seated her on the sofa.

"Do you want water or something?" 

"Yes please..."

After resting up for sometime and giving Celine's foot a massage, they both went downstairs. Celine felt much better after sitting in silence with Praya and was able to walk on her own. She went where her family was while Praya had to go do her unfinished business.


Sun and Kay brought the three of them outside the hall in a quiet alley at its backside.

"Now speak up who sent you or else!!" Kay was threatening them. They were cowards and spit all the truth at once. Praya who was listening from a distance walked up to them while removing her blazer and rolling up the sleeves of her shirt. 

"Call the one who sent you here" She said in a low voice and the leader did as instructed. 

"Ayyy my boys! did you complete your task?" The person on the phone was completely drunk.

"They did try their best to harm my girl" Praya said without thinking "and now they have to face consequences" 

Next he heard screaming and crying over the phone which made him sober enough to plead for forgiveness.

"Forgiveness? There is no such word in our gang" saying this she shot the three of them in their heads without showing any emotion.

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