18. Mint Condition

Start from the beginning

Stuart looked confused and muttered, "What the heck." He walked towards the figure and crouched down. "How did you...?"

The figure began spinning its nunchucks and attacked Stuart who screamed.


A man on the TV spoke. "He must have brought them back, back from Hell, again. Hell Hazers 3, it lives again. And now, back to Hatchet Man, All Saints Day. There'll be no further interruptions."

Dean was lying on his bed, laying avidly, watching the TV while he ate pizza. The room was full of beer cans, pizza boxes, a couple empty sippy cups where juice had been, and chip packets.

"Time to slice and dice," Dean repeated.

On the TV, a man was mopping up a corridor and sopped to steal candy out of a vending machine when his hand got stuck. Hatchet Man came up behind him, carrying two hatchets and wearing a gruesome half mask over his scarred face.

"Hey, this area is closed off," the man on the TV said. "I said beat it buddy."

Hatchet Man swung the hatchet at the man's outstretched leg. Blood splattered across the candy machine while the man screamed in agony. A door opened further up the corridor and a woman appeared.

"Time to slice and dice," Hatchet Man stated.

The woman screamed.

There was a knock at the door and Dean called, "Yo."

Sam and Seylah entered. "Hey."

"Hey," Dean repeated.

"What you doing?" Sam asked.

"Horror marathon on Shocker," Dean replied. "Just made my way through the Halloweens and now I'm about to..." He looked up at Sam and stopped talking. Sam looked confused. "Oh, wow."

"What?" Dean touched his own cheek. "Oh yes, I shaved."

"I mean, it's so smooth. It's like a dolphin's belly."

Sam pulled up a chair and sat down. "Yeah, yeah. Hey uh, we wanted to check up on you. You doing okay? I mean you haven't really come out of your room in almost a week."

"Well, since when is okay part of this job, huh? Yeah. Cas is you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he's up to. And not that I'm complaining, but the house is full of strangers, so."

Seylah glanced at her uncle. "No, I get it. Lotta people I don't know. I don't like lots of people I don't know."

Sam glanced at her a moment before focusing on his brother. "So, your plan is to just lay in here watching Hatchet Man movies? Seriously?"

"All Saints Day is a classic," Dean told him. "They tend to bury their heads into me."

"Time to slice and dice."

"Oh, is it?" Sam questioned.

Dean looked at his brother. "What do you care, you don't even like scary movies."

"Well, yeah, Dean, our life is a scary movie."


Hatchet Man spoke again. "I like it when they run."

"All right well I hate to disturb your marathon, but I think I found us a case."

"More Michael monsters?" Dean asked.

"No, killer toy."

"What kind of toy?"

Sam set the tablet on the bed in front of Dean who moved it so Seylah could see. A video of Stuart with cuts on his face played with the title: THEY LIVE: Killer Toys! True Story!

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