Dad's wand shot out of Peter's hand and I reached up to grab it, and I pocketed it. The three of us watched Peter warily and then he waved his hand and turned into a rat, shooting off into the grass.

"Sirius, he's gone!" Harry shouted, "Pettigrew transformed." Harry shouted. I took off on the grass, my wand lit, running as fast as possible, looking for any sign of motion. Sirius overtook me, disappearing out of sight and I sighed.

I turned back to where Ron and Snape were laying. Hermione and Harry were already crouched by him.

"We'd better get them up at the castle and tell someone." Harry said, pushing his hair out of his face.

There was a yelping sound however, a dog in pain, and we all spun around. Harry set off at a run, Hermione right behind him. Quickly, I turned back around to face Snape on the ground and got on my knees, putting one hand on his cheek and pointed my wand at his heart. "Enervate." I muttered. He didn't stir.

"Bloody hell." I muttered, shaking Professor Snape. "Please, please wake up Professor. We need you." I paused and then said, "I need you. Just wake up." He finally started to sir. "Thank Merlin."

Then, I sprinted away after Harry and Hermione. It was down by the lake shore. Harry had his wand raised, shouting "Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum!"

Sirius gave a shudder, rolled, over, and lay motionless on the shore. I felt fear shoot through my heart and I glanced frantically across the lake shore.

"Hermione help me!" Harry shouted, not knowing that I was already there.

Hermione was whimpering however and could barely get the first word out. I wiped out my wand and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" A large wildcat burst forth from my wand and leapt at the dementors that were surrounding me. I sent it down towards Sirius, about twenty meters away from me. I ripped out the marker again, quickly writing a time for two minutes in the future.

I raised my wand, concentrating on the spell. But there were more than a hundred or so dementors. My wildcat wasn't enough.

Hermione collapsed onto the ground. Harry continued to struggle with his own patronus. I sent my wildcat around Hermione. But my concentration lapsed and my wildcat disappeared. I took a deep breath, trying to recollect my energy.

I raced forward, crossing the distance between us. Harry was still trying to produce a patronus but the dementors hands were around his throat. The dementors were swooping down on me as well. But I had to make it to Sirius's side.

"HURRY UP!" I shouted across the lake.

I fell to Sirius's side and turned upwards as the dementors swooped down on me. Dad- James- was screaming and mum was screaming for James was whispering that he loved me in my ear. I was crying and I buried my face into Sirius' shirt. I raised my wand, a weak silvery spurt sent the dementors away. I could see someone sprinting towards me, but I wasn't sure if it was a dementor or just someone who liked to wear black. The screaming was louder now. I collapsed, my vision going black.

"Mum. . ." I whispered and I faded away.


𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 when someone was saying, "Extraordinary. And yet Black, and Harry, and the two girls-"

"All unconscious by the time I reached them." I recognized Snape's voice immediately. "Miss Kane was just collapsing when I reached the beach. Its possible she held off the dementors for a bit of time. . . I bound and gagged Black, naturally, conjured stretches, and brought them all straight back to the castle."

Elizabeth Kane and the Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now