19 | ❝Mozzarella Sword❞ - DK

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✎ xix. mozzarella sword

You were constantly reminded that you weren't a Michelin star chef everytime you attempted to cook with Seokmin

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You were constantly reminded that you weren't a Michelin star chef everytime you attempted to cook with Seokmin. He was just so naturally good in the kitchen, where you had no clue where to start most days. When Seokmin cooked alone, you were guaranteed to have a delicious meal. When you cooked alone, you were guaranteed to have every surface of the kitchen messy with ingredients, cutting board, and utensils, none of which you knew how to use properly.

When Seokmin insisted that you cook together, it became a mix of star-quality chef and hopeless chaos. Seokmin would do most of the work while your job was to get the ingredients out. But no matter how many times you messed up while trying to help him in the kitchen, Seokmin never got angry or even tired of having to clean up your messes. He thought the activity of cooking together was so sweet and domestic.

"It makes us feel like a married couple." He insisted one night months ago to cheer you up after you almost cried when you accidentally forgot the sugar in your muffins.

"Why don't you just propose to me if you want to feel like a married couple?" You had asked back, tears welling in your eyes despite your ability to joke around with your boyfriend. He had laughed and wiped your tears and hugged you to him until you calmed down from your frustration.

Sometimes you got frustrated while cooking, and sometimes you were able to let Seokmin do most of the work and get half the credit regardless. Tonight, Seokmin was dead set on making pizza with you. He had already done most of the work making the pizza dough yesterday and letting it rise overnight. And there was no way you would be able to mess up spreading sauce, cheese, and toppings on the dough. So, of course, you agreed. Seokmin had made pizza for you when you first started dating before, and you knew how good his pizza crust was.

"Can you grate the mozzarella while I shape the dough?" He instructed, passing you the big block of cheese and a grater. You nodded and started working on the task with a determined smile.

Seokmin always had a habit of singing while he cooked, and tonight he started singing some of his songs from his musical. You giggled as soon as he started singing Die Schatten Werden Laenger.

He continued singing even though your giggles set off his own, "What?" He asked you in between words.

"I just thought of King Arthur making pizza." You admitted.

Seokmin stopped singing, his giggles increasing, "Maybe he really liked Italian food-"

"Stop, you're making the thought worse!" You complained, almost at the point of wheezing, "Imagine- Imagine him pulling a block of mozzarella out of the stone-"

Seokmin and you continued to build on your initial thought through neverending laughter as you constructed the pizza. Mozzarella in the stone turned into Excalibur being a sword made of cheese that would replenish Arthur's health whenever he got injured. Then Seokmin joked that you were Guinevere if he was Arthur. But then you both remembered Guinevere's love affair with Sir Lancelot and took back the previous statement. If anyone was loyal to Seokmin, it was you.

Eventually, you finished assembling the pizza and Seokmin put it into the oven and started cleaning up the kitchen. You smiled and stared at him as he washed the dishes, his sharp profile on display from where you sat. He started to hum again, this time staying clear of the Xcalibur soundtrack in favour of some of your favourite R&B tracks.

"I can feel you staring at me, baby." Seokmin said quietly, smiling a little as he rinsed another dish.

"Just admiring what's mine. Is there anything wrong with that?" You asked, blushing a bit that he'd noticed you, but there wasn't much to be embarrassed about, really. Your boyfriend was beautiful and he deserved to be admired just as you were doing.

"You always complain when I stare at you, though." He mumbled.

"Because I feel nervous when you stare at me!" You said. You had told him this before, but you were pretty sure nothing would stop Seokmin's love of looking at you. You loved it, but you also felt insecure if he had his eyes on you for too long.

"But I like looking at you. You're so pretty." You stayed silent as your cheeks grew red from his comment. "I made you blush, didn't I?" He teased, not even needing to look at you to know that your cheeks were tinted pink.

"Maybe..." You sighed, fanning your face to cool it down. The timer for the oven went off and you excitedly opened it to check on the pizza. It looked beautiful. The crust was golden grown and the cheese was bubbly, the toppings perfectly browned from the heat of the oven. Your mouth was watering just looking at it. You took it out and put it on the stovetop to cool before slicing.

"Do you want to watch a movie? I want to cuddle with you." You suggested, smelling the delicious pizza with your eyes closed. Seokmin wrapped his arms around your waist to hug you.

"A movie sounds good. Cuddling sounds even better." He grinned and kissed your cheek.

"Sounds like we got a plan, then. I'll get extra pillows ready." You smiled, escaping your boyfriend's arms momentarily to get the best cuddling setup ready. Impromptu home movie dates like this were your favourite. You couldn't wipe the grin off of your face whenever Seokmin agreed to one. They definitely wouldn't be something to go away even when you married him.

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