𝟐𝟖. the premiere

Comincia dall'inizio

"Yes! And you're invited, obvi." He rolled his eyes.

"This time, I'm going to get you ready!" She exclaims, wrapping him in a big hug.

They started getting ready, working on makeup and then she was going to slip into the dress she was going to wear. Xavier started on hair, curling it and she showed him a reference photo to use. 

All they did was gossip and then a topic came up for Vivianne and since it was Xavier, she didn't care. "So, how do you feel since you know you're going to see Jack there and you two are going to be together all night?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm nervous obviously but I'm also not at the same time because I know his new girlfriend is going to be there and she'll probably do me a favour and keep him away from me." She explains, Xavier now knowing how Laney was since they were just talking about it 3 minutes prior.

"And if he talks to you, what's the plan?"

Vivianne remembered what Matt said in the car. "Answer dryly."

"Atta girl."

Vivianne was all ready for the premiere now, wearing a long black dress with gloves on. Her hair in a half up and half down. Her crew took photos of her so she could post it later on after the premiere.

She thanks each and every one of them before leaving and heading inside her limo. Her brothers and best friend's were going to meet her there since they were still waiting for Isabelle and Charlotte to finish getting ready. 

Going on her phone, she noticed that Jack posted on his story. Looks like he was already there and Vivianne and Beatrice were the only ones not there yet. 

"Ma'am." The driver spoke, pulling down the window to speak to her. "We're here."

Her heart starts beating fast, thinking about if she will have any interactions with Jack. She thanks the driver, giving him a tip before walking out. She was guessing everyone was already getting interviewed. 

People started screaming when Vivianne came out of the limo, flashing lights was all she saw thanks to the paparazzi's. She'll see more the rest of the night which is a nightmare for her. Vivianne smiled, signing autographs and waving at some fans.

Security began ushering her into the event so she quickly said goodbye. Looking around to see if she could find anyone familiar, she made eye contact with a familiar red head. A grin grew on her face and she began running towards Beatrice.

Embracing each other in arms, they were at peace. "Damn girl, you look good."


"Better than Laney Hills. She's wearing such simple clothing for such a big event." Beatrice rolled her eyes and suddenly Mikey appeared behind her, wrapping a arm around her girlfriend.

"Hey you." Mike softly says, wrapping her other arm around Vivianne as they hugged. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling okay." Vivianne nervously laughs.

"Let's go do interviews." Beatrice pulls on her arm. "I'll see you later babe." Mikey and Beatrice wave goodbye to each other. The red head and brunette walk down the carpet, posing for the camera's together.

They did some interviews and they eventually met up with the rest of their cast. They were all doing an interview together, Beatrice adn Vivianne feeling excluded. "Whoa, really excluding the main character and her best friend? Low blow guys." Beatrice jokes with them, joining in on the interview.

Vivianne laughs before she made eye contact with the boy she loves so dearly. She gulps, quickly looking away from him. 

"Welcome Vivianne Sturniolo and Beatrice Zara." The interviewer greets, waving at them with a warm smile.

"Hi." They both reply.

"Okay, who are you most closest to on the set?" She asks them.

Beatrice and Vivianne point at each other. Javon and Zoey point at each other. Jack points at no one, wanting to secretly point at Vivianne though, but he knew that if he did, Laney would see and she would get mad at him.

"I'm close with everyone." Jack awkwardly nodded his head. Vivianne glances at him with a frown on her face but quickly look away. 

They were all done with the interview, starting to walk away. Beatrice went to go bother Zoey and Javon that Vivianne didn't notice that she was behind with Jack.

"Hey." He spoke up softly, careful not to make her upset or anything.

Vivianne turned her head to look at him, a small smile on her face. "Hello."

"How are you?" He asked her, feeling his heart beat speed up and butterflies erupt in his stomach. No girl could ever make him feel this way, not even Laney.

"I'm good, what about you?" She paused first, hesitant to ask the next question. "How is Laney and you?"

God, Jack didn't want to talk about Laney. He wanted to talk about Vivianne. Instead he shrugs his shoulders. "We're alright."

There's that word.


"Nice." Vivianne dryly responded.

Jack thought about what he recited in his head before he talked to Vivianne. "Hey, Viv. Can we talk about the break—" 

He was interuppted when Laney came squeling towards them, immediately clinging onto Jack's arm. He sighed in frustration, why did she have to come at the wrong moments? Laney noticed Vivianne, giving her a dirty stare but then covers it up when Jack looks down at her.

"Hey. Vivianne, right?" She put on her nice act.

Vivianne furrowed her eyebrows, confused on why she was asking if her name was correct. Did she not text her the day before to fuck off her boyfriend because he was in love?

"Why are you asking me my name, don't you already know it after texting me—"

"Hey Jack! Let's go!" Laney quickly exclaims, dragging him away from Vivianne.

She watched the couple fade away in the crowd that she almost missed Jack looking back at her one last time, mouthing a 'sorry.'

This was going to be a long night.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒  ⸻ jack championDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora