SS - A Heart's Symphony: Ichinose Honami's Melody of Love

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"What am I doing here.." I muttered to myself.

I wasn't in Keyaki Mall right now to meet up with friends or for any other reason; I was there for something entirely else. There has only been one thing, or rather one person, on my thoughts since yesterday. That person is Ayanokouji-kun. Every minute I reflect on our shared experience from last night. The moment that we both shared together.

I know, I know, it was just a hug, but to me, it was something much more. Something more.. intimate.. I've hugged people in the past but with Ayanokouji-kun, it was different. I can't even hold a proper conversation with him now, my eyes keep wandering somewhere else, I just can't make proper eye contact with him.

Even now, I can't help but occasionally glance at him every now and then while he's close to me, even if we're not talking. Just thinking about him makes my face heat up. My eyes seems to be drawn in his direction by an unseen magnetic force, and I catch myself sneaking looks at him from time to time while he's nearby.

Calling it love might be too early though, Ayanokouji-kun is just my friend right now. Yes, a friend. That's all he is to me. If I thought anything otherwise, it would be weird, right?

I don't want to complicate our relationship. He's probably already noticed, but when I try to speak to him, I keep stuttering and my mind is in a haze. Even as I try to approach him, my heart is pounding in my chest.

This brings us here, at Keyaki Mall, in a certain store I looked through the several items on the shelves until I found what I was looking for. A light fragrance with a citrusy touch to it that is contained in a small bottle that's about the size of my hand. From what I've read online, it could give me a confidence boost when I'm meeting with Ayanokouji-kun. Or at the very least, distract me from him.

However, when I saw the pricing, I realized that it was almost out of my financial range. Although I would have preferred to spend less money than what it cost, it is worthwhile if it allows me to continue speaking with Ayanokouji-kun.

I used my student ID to pay for it as I brought it up to the register, and the cashier randomly wished me luck. Although I didn't understand what they meant, I wasn't in the mood to try to figure it out at the time. As soon as I got my hands on it, I hastily exited the shop and Keyaki Mall as a whole and headed back to the dorms.

When I got back, I unpackaged the perfume from it's box and carefully set it on my bathroom countertop. I haven't the slightest clue about what to do with myself anymore. It's embarrassing that I had to research something like this and even more so that I went out and bought it. 

I suppose it doesn't matter now anyways, I've already made the purchase and I'm not about to let it go to waste.

I carefully removed the cap and while taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes as I gently guided the bottle towards my skin, delicately spraying the fragrance on me which in turn, releases a cloud of soft notes that easily passed through the air, greeting my nose with a pleasant smell. The perfume was, how should I describe it? It was an elegant and vibrant scent. It was perfect.

After I applied the perfume to myself, I thought again about Ayanokouji-kun. I saw my face become redder in the mirror doing so. I have no idea what to make of these feelings of mine but for some odd reason, I just want to talk to him like a normal girl.

Not as a leader of a class, not as his classmate, not as his friend, but as me. 

Just as myself, I want to talk to Ayanokouji-kun.


i decided this slow burn thing is going nowhere so im just gonna start it here lol

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