Chapter XXIII - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

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Summer has ended and it was business as usual again, everyone quickly settled in into school life once more, reminiscing about the memories they made back on the cruise ship as we start a new day in a new class. In the past, we were in Class-D but, after a series of events and multiple ups and downs, we have ascended to Class-C, bumping the previous Class-C down to Class-D.

The class change isn't also the only thing that's been changing, slowly but surely, people have also been having significant growths of their own. Ichinose has awakened a new flame inside of her, one destined for the benefit of her class. Hirata has changed too, ever since our first special exam, he broke down and hasn't been reactive but now he understands certain sacrifices must be made. Furthermore, though it's not as notable, Chabashira-sensei has also changed in a way. She's starting to care for her class now. Even after summer break, when school started again, she congratulated everyone for moving forward in the class rankings, I didn't detect any ill-intent or malice in her words, I got the impression that they came from her very cold heart.

In any event, by the time lunch came, I continued my same routine in the past, I silently ate my lunch inside the classroom. It wasn't as lonely as you might think however, there was still one person with me and that person was none other than Horikita. She, much like me, preferred to be alone at times like these, though we never really interacted, we occasionally discussed class matters. Any event, it was quiet this time around.

After finishing, I got up from my seat and ready to leave but I was stopped suddenly, stopped by Horikita as she begun talking to me.

"Ichinose-san is absent to today." she said.


Ichinose's absence wasn't a topic I really thought much of but with Horikita bringing it up, she must've thought that there was something wrong. After all, it was the first day of school since summer and she was the only person that wasn't here in our class.

"Do you know anything about it?" Horikita questioned.

"Nothing, no. I'm just in the dark as you are."

Since Ichinose was not here for class, the people who would obviously know why is the people she trusts the most. Specifically, her group of friends she mainly hangs around with. I'm sure it probably isn't anything big because if it's something like she got into an accident and suffered a serious injury, we would've heard about it by now.

"Are you perhaps worried about Ichinose? Wow, I'm surprised you cared that deeply," I teased.

"Don't be ridiculous, or maybe you're playing dumb?"

"What do you mean by 'playing dumb'?"

Of course, I already knew of the problem she is referring to but, before I mistake it for something else, I wanted to confirm whether or not Horikita herself knew about it, just to check if we're on the same page is all.

"Ryuuen-kun's group has been growing more active as of late. They're searching for the supposed mastermind in Class-D."

And there you have it, we we're thinking the same thing after all. Back on the ship, Ryuuen has been focused on hunting down the person who was responsible for Class-D's recent successes, that person is me. Even now, on the first day off the cruise, he has already started to make his moves. Furthermore, there's also the future we need to think about, Ryuuen's tenacity has slowly been growing so just how long are we able to maintain the Class-C position? Will we be able to even make it to Class-B? I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

"So you're worried Ichinose has been targeted in some way?"

"That is one concern, yes. One of many, even."

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