Chapter XIV - Judging Others Makes Us Blind, Whereas Love Is Illuminating

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July 18th.

It's been a while, I almost lost track of how long I've been at this school. With all the new unfortunate events taking place before, you'd expect more to happen in the future.

But no, absolutely nothing else has occurred ever since our special exam a month ago.

I'm not complaining or anything, in fact, I'm rather content. Except, there has been something nagging at me though, it's the fact that the school chooses to institute a random test and don't touch on the topic anymore. I could play it off as superstition but, that's not the case. There is something going on, and I believe were going to find out soon enough.

As I was in the middle of my soliloquy, I was interrupted. It wasn't unusual as it was the weekends, I decided to take a little stroll outside to the dorms since staying indoors all day isn't exactly healthy.

But anyways, the person who had interrupted me was none other than Matsushita Chiaki. I've never interacted with them at all other than that time Ichinose had invited me to hang out with her and her group of friends.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun! Over here!" Matsushita called out to me.

I could've easily ignored her but as I had no plans right at the moment, I spared some time and walked towards to where Matsushita was.

"Is there something you need?" I questioned.

"Yes, listen, you know what day it is right? From two days from now?"

Two days from now.. July 20th. I don't see how that's important but still, Matsushita was making a big deal about it.

"July 20th." I responded.

"Yes, that's correct. July 20th. So what did you get?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What did you get?"

Matsushita's interrogation is a bit off putting. I don't understand what they're talking about but whatever it was, it's probably important in their eyes. The way they asked makes it seem like it's something that I should, or rather have to have known. Despite the hints she's giving me, I don't get what they want from me.

"Get what?"

"Wait.. Do you seriously not know?"


"It's Honami-san's birthday on July 20th!"

Ah, that's it. Ichinose's birthday is on July 20th then. I don't see how she could think I knew that. I don't speak to Ichinose on a regular everyday basis as she does but she seems to think that I'd know her birthday. Unfortunately, Matsushita, you overestimated my social skills as I had no clue about her birthday, let alone anyone else's.

"It's her birthday then, huh," I spoke.

"That's right, I'm surprised you didn't know that."

"In that case, have fun."

Once I said that, I tried to leave but Matsushita wasn't having it. She followed me and started asking more questions like some sort of detective. She wasn't satisfied and apparently had more to say.

"Just a moment, if you really didn't know.. Then how about you come to her party in the next two days?"

"Hard pass. Just say I wished her happy birthday."

"Seriously? You're no fun."

"No, I just feel like I wont fit in at her party is all."

"You couldn't be anymore wrong, Ayanokouji-kun," she continued, "In fact, she talks about you more often now."

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