SS - Unveiling Visions: Ichinose Honami's Dreams

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It was currently lunch and I didn't really have anything particularly special planned. Usually, I'd be with my friends but today, I felt like resting at my seat as I was too lazy to get up. Luckily though, I packed my own lunch so I didn't need to go to the cafeteria at all, plus I'd save my own private points so it all works out.

As I was about to reach into my bag however, the peaceful silence was interrupted as someone barged through the doors of the classroom, calling out for me.

"Hey, hey! Honami-san!"

It was, of course, Chiaki-san. Surprisingly enough, Ayanokouji-kun was there too and was being held by the arm as Chiaki-san waved towards me. I have no idea what's going on but something tells me that I'll be involved in this in someway. Actually, I shouldn't even be shocked at this point as both Mako-chan and Chiaki-san made it their routine to gossip over my love life ever since finding out my, er, I guess we'll call it secret.

"Is there something you need, Chiaki-san?" I asked.

"Yes, me and Ayanokouji-kun we're just about to go out to the cafeteria? Wanna join?"

I.. I don't understand, it's already out of character enough for Ayanokouji-kun to be this social with anyone, let alone Chiaki-san. I mean, all the times I tried inviting him myself, it didn't seem like he enjoyed it in the slightest. Anyways, despite that, I wanted to figure out what was going on so pulling Ayanokouji-kun to the side, I asked him a question.

"Um, were you perhaps forced to come?"

"Would you believe me if I told you yes?"

Before I was able to respond to him, I was pulled away by Chiaki-san who put a greater distance between both me and Ayanokouji-kun.

"Ah, it's a yes or not, Honami-san. If you don't want to join.."

"I.. I'll pass."

I still want to stick to my original plan as even now, I still want to indulge myself in my free time but Chiaki-san is making that difficult for me. I'm sure she has my best interests at heart but this is just..

"Is Honami-san perhaps already dating Ayanokouji-kun?"

"W-w-what?! N-no! Of course not!"

I noticed how loud I yelled so turning my attention to Ayanokouji-kun, he gave me a confused look which made both my ears and face heat up. Turning back to Chiaki-san, she herself had a somewhat playful look on her face.

"I see, then maybe it's fine for me to ask out Ayanokouji-kun myself?"

As soon as those words came out of Chiaki-san's mouth, something clicked inside me and some other worldly feeling I've never experienced before rushed within me as the expression on my face changed extremely quickly. Now the aura I gave off was none like any other and the usually friendly tone I had was much, much colder. Even I'm afraid my own sudden change but if I want to make my point absolutely clear to Chiaki-san, then this must be done.

"No." I said, looking her in the eyes.


Softening my voice, I made it so only me and Chiaki-san could hear our conversation. I made it certain that Ayanokouji-kun couldn't hear what I was about to say now.

"You can't, he's mine."

"But, didn't Honami-san just say she wasn't dating him?"

"I know what I said.. but still.. you can't have him. He's mine."

"I-I.. Okay, I think I understand now Honami-san~ So this is a yes then..? You'll be joining us?"

Although I didn't want to join, Chiaki-san forced my hand. Shaking my head up and down furiously, I accepted her invitation. As did, she just gave me a content look as she grabbed my hand and took both me and Ayanokouji-kun to the cafeteria. Once we got there, it wasn't as packed since we took our time talking so at the very least, our conversations wont be interrupted by the louder voices of other students.

Sitting down on my seat, Chiaki-san started another conversation immediately. Not to me this time though, but her question what directed to Ayanokouji-kun, who looked as if they wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"So, what type of girls is Ayanokouji-kun into?"

"Type? I can't say I have one," he responded.

Now I would like to hear into this discussion and perhaps even contribute myself, but I just realized how embarrassing it was to say all those things to Chiaki-san earlier so I can't help but look at the table with both hands on my lap. I couldn't do anything other than listen intently.

"Oh, c'mon. Ayanokouji-kun must have a type."

"If I had to say anything, then I guess I like the genki type..?

Genki type? I mean, I guess I'm sort of like that since people are telling me how energetic I am, but it's not just me, there's also Kikyou-chan and maybe even Karuizawa-san.. Wait a minute.. Karuizawa-san? Hmm.. For some reason I don't like that thought so I won't think about it.

"Ah, does that mean you like people like Honami-san?"

"W-what!?" I yelped.

Moving both my hands on the table, I stood up from my seat. I probably garnered the attention of a few students but that must've subsided by now. Sitting back down, Ayanokouji-kun starred at me for a few seconds or so before looking at Chiaki-san.

"Who knows," he said.

"Hmm, that's suspicious, Ayanokouji-kun."

Catching my breath, I decided that if I left Chiaki-san to her own devices, I could potentially cause another a scene, perhaps an even greater one than the last so taking control over the direction of the discussion, I moved the conversation to another topic and another topic after that. Putting my social skills to use, lunch ended and I triumphed over whatever Chiaki-san had intended for me.


this was actually supposed to be a scene in the first few chapters i made but never got around to using it so i might as well pass it off as honami reminiscing a past memory she had earlier in the year as a dream

anyways with two SS's published, ill see ya'll next month

nah im joking

or am i?

idk i dont like to make promises i know i cant keep

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