Chapter XII - All Warfare Is Based On Deception

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Yamauchi Haruki - 36 nominations

Horikita Suzune - 2 nominations

Ichinose Honami - 2 nominations

There you have it, Yamauchi will be the one that is expelled from Class-D.

As the results were announced, no one said anything. They all stared at Yamauchi who too, did not say a thing.

After a prolonged silenced, Chabashira-sensei, made her announcement.

"This concludes the end of the special exam. As for Yamauchi, please pack up your things and meet me in the faculty office. Unfortunately, you'll be expelled."

"No.. No! This can't be happening, you're kidding me!"

His retaliation is understandable. When you're about to be expelled, of course you'd be complaining. No one tried to calm him down or at the very least attempted to help him cope with the fact that they'll be expelled shortly.

People continued staring down at their desk as Yamauchi didn't budge an inch from his spot. Not until someone spoke up, not to help him though, but to aggravate him.

"fu fu Just how much longer do you plan on being insufferable filth in this classroom, hm?" Kouenji said.

"I can't accept this!" Yamauchi yelled.

"Even at the very end, you continue being worthless. Do everyone a favor and see yourself out. You've already been deleted."

Kouenji's provocation made Yamauchi even angrier as he stood up from his desk and grabbed his chair by it's legs and lunged towards Kouenji. Most people were expected Kouenji to be injured but instead, he too got up from his seat and grabbed the chair from Yamauchi's hands before he was able to react.

"My, how barbaric. You attacked me with murderous intent. As a human, I of course, hold the right to defend myself, no?" Kouenji asserted.


Yamauchi, unable to respond, stared up at Kouenji. Chabashira-sensei, noticing the bitter environment, intervened.

"Enough, Yamauchi. Make it easier for yourself and exit the classroom, please," she started, "As for you, Kouenji, no other actions is necessary."

And just like that, class ended for the day. Before I left the classroom, I made one last glance at the classroom. Everyone left without saying anything, Ichinose simply left the classroom and made her way towards the dorm. As did Hirata, and Horikita. Kouenji also left but not without chuckling to himself a little.

By the time tomorrow arrived, nothing would be the same. Our numbers would be reduced to 39 students. On the bright side, our class point total goes up by 130. That combined with our current total puts us somewhere around 200 points.

To the other classes, a miniscule amount like that is irrelevant to them but sooner or later, they'll start to see the talents Class-D posses. When that time comes, we need to be prepared. If we fail to defend ourselves, then our dreams of reaching Class-A could be kissed good bye.

But that can all wait, I made my way towards the exit of the school and saw Hirata accompanied by Mei-Yu Wang. Actually, accompanied wouldn't be the right word, it seems Wang is trying to talk to Hirata but is being ignored. I had planned on talking to Hirata before Ichinose but that can wait for now.

I went ahead and walked up to Wang who was by herself, head held low and she watched Hirata disappear into the distance, heading in the direction of the 1st year dorm rooms.

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