Panic Attack

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(Luna's POV)

She quietly walked with Blake. She didnt know what to say to him.

She was however greatful that there wasnt anyone in the halls, she was already feeling tired from all the stares.

"Heres your classroom, my class is just next door"

Blake smiled softly as Luna went into her classroom. She took the same seat as the previous room in the back corner.

Slowly people came in a filled the classroom. Only now luna realised she didnt know what lesson it was.

The teacher came in

"Right settle class. Open your math books to page 12"

Luna looked around and then got out her blue text book flipping to find the page. As the class went on all the number made lunas head hurt.

She held her head slightly closing her eyes trying to help her headache.

"Luna ! Are you able to keep up."

The teacher said looking at Luna.

Lunas eyes snapped open looking to him. She started to shake she wasnt seeing the teacher infront of her. She saw the man with the scar.

Her words were stood in her throat.

"Well luna ?"

She opened her mouth but there was no words so she quickly stood up and ran.

She ran out the classroom and down the hall to the bathroom.

(Blake's POV)

He looked up from his english book and saw luna running down the hallway past his classroom.

"Hm teacher i gotta go check on Luna"

He said as he got up and left not waiting for an answer. He would take a detention over angering the Costellos.

He walked down and heard noise from the girls bathroom.

"Okay im not a weirdo just checking on someone"

He announced loudly incase there were other girls in there.

He went in and slowly opened the door he heard noises from. Luna was kneeled on the floor throwing up into the toilet. She was crying and her head was stook to her face.

She was crying as she looked up at Blake.

Blake held up his hands and slowly crouched by her. Luna reached into her pocket pulling out her flip cards.

Blake waited patiently as she flipped through them finding the right one.

She showed him three. Scared, headache and home.

He nodded slightly and noticed how she was tugging at her clothes and panting like the clothes were too tight.

"I have my gym clothes in my bag if you wanna change and then ill take you home ?"

Luna looked up at him slightly and then nodded. Blake got out his top and joggers and luna held up another card.


Blake looked at the card then her. He could get introuble for changing her clothes. But he could also get introuble for not helping her.

He nodded slightly and then got out his gym kit. He gently helped her change clothes and mainly tried to look at the floor but he did notice long and deep looking scars all over her legs.

He finished dressing her and then used some tissue to clean up her face.

He helped her up but her knees gave out so he gently picked her up. He grabbed her bag and then walked to the office.

Luna hid her face in blakes chest while he talked to the receptionist. He then sat with luna on his lap while they waited for one of her brothers to arrive.

Soon they were told Bruno was waiting for them. Blake grabbed both their bags and headed outside.

"What happened."

Bruno asked seeing Luna.

"She was in math class and ran out. I found her in the bathroom crying anf throwing up. I helped clean her up and she changed into my gym clothes."

Blake explained as he opened the passanger door placing Luna down onto the seat. Luna was still shaking.

Bruno grabbed a blanket from the back and put it around her. He then turned to Blake.

"Good job. Ill let you know if shes in a state to come to school tomorrow"

Blake nodded as bruno drove off. He stood there for a minuete and then went to his locker as it was now break time.

"So you dating that girl ?" Rex one of blakes friends asked. Rex was 6'1 the same height as blake. He also had dyed red hair that he was always getting introuble for.

"Im not dating her. She got hurt and it was sorta my fault so im watching out for her. Besides her family is... protective"

"Her family ? What they criminals or something ? Whats got you so scared ?"

Blake sighed

"Shes a costello."

Rexs jaw dropped as he stared at blake.

"You hurt a costello ! Are you out of your mind !"

"I didnt mean to ! And she forgave me. It was her brother that said i had to look after her at school. Lunas actually kinda... sweet"

Rex sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Then i better give you a hand too. Cant have my bestfriend getting shot for hurting a Costello."

Blake laughed as they began walking up to the roof. He could tell Rex was already tired of classes.

"Then theres something else i should tell you but not here. After school"

(Brunos POV)

He had finally managed to get Luna into bed for a nap. She had clung to him the whole way home and when he took her to her room too.

He knew whatever happened must of been bad because she looked scared when Rose let out a loud giggle while playing with antonio.

For now he let Luna rest and him and the twins looked after rose.

A few hours later there was a knock at the door.

Bruno stood up and answered. Blake was stood there with another boy. He knew the boy went by Rex and was Blake's friend from school.

"Why is he here."

Blake looked at Bruno and then to Rex

"He wants to help look after Luna at school. I thought it was best for him to know everything... I trust him."

"Hm.. fine. Come on in."

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