Breakfast and Shopping

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(Luna's POV)

She shot awake as rose began to scream. She quickly picked her up rocking her. She glanced over at the small clock. 4AM. Sighing she got up rocking rose.

Bursting into her room came her brothers and father scaring luna.

"Whats wrong !" Bruno panted

"S-she just w-woke up c-crying i-im s-sorry" she said holding rose tightly to her chest.

"Its okay bambino, we forgot there was a baby in the house" Giovanni said gently petting luna's head softly ignoring her flinch.

Luna nodded slightly as she continued to rock rose.

"Right ill get her bottle ready you change her nappy and we can all have an early breakfast" Giovanni said as the boys yawned and nodded.

When they left luna quickly grabbed the bag of supplies and laid everything out. Change a nappy. It cant be that hard.

She undressed rose and took off her nappy throwing it into the bin in her bathroom, she then used some wetsipes to clean it up and then she slid on the freash nappy and secured it. Done.

She let out a breath she didnt know she was holding as she put Rose back into the teddybear onesie. She then made her way downstairs getting a little lost but eventually finding the kitchen.

"Im really s-sorry she woke everyone up..." she said quietly seeing her brothers where still yawning.

" its fine sorella, shes a baby she doesnt have any other way to say whats wrong" Bruno said smiling

Sal yawned "okay give the baby, if im getting up at 4 in the morning im getting some suggle time with her"

Luna nodded slightly just thankful no one was angry, after all they were all 6 foot giants that could easily squeash her if she made them mad.

Shaking away those thoughts she gently handed rose to Sal who nuzzled her softly making her giggle.

"Pancakes ?" Giovanni asked as he began making breakfast while he waited for rose's bottle to warm up.

"Hmm o-okay" she said not actually knowing what a pancake was but she was guessing it was food.

When it was done he slid the plate of pancakes over to a seat on the kitchen island for her. He also topped it was honey. She nervously sat down and cut off a piece eating it.

It was so good ! And so sweet. How did she live without pancakes for so long. She quickly ate one of the three pancakes and then wiped her mouth. Mcdonalds and now pancakes she was getting spoiled but now her stomach was hurting from all the food.

"All done ?" Bruno asked sitting next to her.

"Y-yeah.. im still full from the mcdonalds mr Costello gave me at the hospital"

"Mr Costello ?" Giovanni shook his head after repeating what she daughter had said " call he father, or dad or--- "

"Old man" Antonio chimbed in with a smirk

"R-right" luna said a little nervously.

Giovanni looked away as the bottle was finished. He then handed it to Sal.

"Go slow and burp her afterwords" sal nodded as he started feeding rose cooing softly at her.

"Right luna go freashen up and sal will bring up rose when shes had her bottle then at around 8 the twins are going to take you shopping"

Luna nodded "o-okay... dad" she gave a soft smile as she went upstairs and flopped onto her bed. Having a baby was tiring and now the painkillers the hospital had gave her where wearing off so her ribs and legs where begining to ache from the cuts and brusies.

After a while Sal brought rose to her and she played with her until Antonio came to get them so they could go to the mall.

Rose had to sit on lunas knee since they didnt have a car seat just yet. Sal was driving and so he ignored Antonio's comments that he was driving too slow.

Getting to the mall Antonio gently held luna's hand.

"Just get whatever you want, no looking at prices. Dads letting us use his card today so just get everything you want"

Luna nodded slightly nervous as they began shopping. The twins where both fashionable and helped Luna pick out more fancy clothes too since she was only really picking out oversized comfy things. They took her to almost every shop in the mall getting everything for her and Rose. New clothes, new shoes, toiletries, new phone.

They where both shocked to learn that luna had never had a phone before so they got her the newest one as well as an ipad and a laptop. When she tried to say it was too much they said the phone was for safty and that the ipad and laptop would entertain rose when she gets a bit older.

As they enetered a baby shop, the twins where even more excited then luna was, running around grabbing stuff, sometimes holding it up against rose and cooing at how cute she would look in it. They ended up with a lot of clothes for rose some for now and some for as she would grow.

Luna was happy that her brothers looked happy but even still a little part of her said her family where disapointed with her and she just couldnt shake the thought.

"Wanna get some food ?" Sal suggested and luna nodded seeing how it meant she could sit down.

They sat down and then Antonio went to order their food. Luna only wanted some fries while the twins wanted easily half the menu between then.

Luna smiled softly as she sat rose on her lap and she began making her a bottle.

She heared clicking heels behind her but tried to ignore it until the woman stopped at their table.

The woman slammed her hands down startling luna and rose.

Sal looked glaring at the woman as she opened her mouth and said in such a high patch that luna swore dogs could hear her.

"Whos this slut !"

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