Concrete shoes and New pet

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(Tony's POV)

Boss had quickly replied saying to grab 'davey' and take him to one of their units.

Tony sighed as he grabbed his phone and gun, starting to make his way down to the motel.

He slipped on his gloves, this place was disgisting, and knocked on the door.

No response. So he knocked again louder. No response. So he bangged on the door.

A short girl with dirty blond hair answered she was wearing a crop top and mini skirt, and weirdly a thick black collar.

"Im here to see David." Tony said calmly as the women looked up at him. She nodded once slowly and let him inside.

"I told you not to answer the fucking do-- who the fuck are you" David said as he came out the bathroom.

"Your coming with me."

"Like hell i am."

David took a swing at him. He stepped to the side grabbing his arm and flipping him. He then put his foot on his neck.

"Guess im carrying you out of here"

He then kicked him in the head knocking him out. He looked around for the girl, she was hiding under the bed. Why hadnt she ran, the door was still open.

He crouched down and looked under the bed. She was curled up with her hands over her ears. Looking closely she looked young 12 at most.

He stuck his hand under the bed with an open palm. It took a short while but then she placed her small hand in Tony's and he slowly brought her out from under the bed.

"Are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?"

She shook her head watching him as he threw David over his shoulder.

"Good. You should head home."

The girl shook her head again and then gently grabbed his jacket.

"... you cant speak ?"

She shook her head again.

"... fine you can tag along but behave okay"

She gave him a tiny smile and nodded, she grabbed a ratty old back pack and then she held onto his jackey sleeve.

Tony took her and David to his car putting him in the back and the girl in the passanger seat.

He then drove to an almost abandanded looking building, picking up David again he took them both inside.

Inside was much like their warehouse, there was offices and cells.

He dropped David into a cell locking it and then took the girl up to the office.

He quickly text Giovanni to inform him that David was in a cell. He then turned to the girl giving her some paper and a pen from the desk.

"Can you please tell me about yourself and how you ended up in that room"

Tony knew from the way she hid, the way she clung to that old backpack and the fact she had burn marks on her hands.

After a short while she handed the paper to him.

-my name is Stella, im 12. I dont remember much but my master calls me a pet. I have had a few masters and some where mean. My master sends me to that building once a month with this bag. But his friend is mean and keeps me there for a few days doing what he wants. I know hes means because when im allowed outside i go to the park and everyones nice to me there. And you seem nice too, you havent hit me-

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