Dont panic

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(Antonio's POV)

Screaming. How can something so small be so loud.

Rose just started crying. He had no idea what was wrong. He held her close and started bouncing her rubbing her back.

"Its okay bambino its all okay shushhhh"

Slowly she began to calm down not fully but enough to stop sobbing just whimpering.

He smiled proudly having calmed her.

"I-i think she wants f-food.."

He looked up hearing luna talk softly but her hands where shaking as she reached up for rose.

"Oh yeah that makes sense" he said softly handing rose to luna.

"Are you bottle feeding or hm .. you know" Sal asked blushing.

"Oh ah hm... probably b-bottle feed..i-if thats okay.." luna said blushing and looking down

"I had Sam buy some formula and bottles and nappys, anything that a newborn needs" father said as he grabbed a bag that sam -one of the bodyguards- had left by the door for them.

Giovanni expertly made and heated the bottles since he had done it for all his children.

He then handed the bottle to luna who nervously started feeding rose.

"How about we sit on the couch and catch up ?" Antonio suggested. Luna nodded and they showed her over to the couch.

"Sooo your what ... 15 now ?" He asked as they all sat down.

Luna nodded looking down trying to seem distracted with rose.

"How are your grades ?"

Bruno said from his seat next to her

"Oh hm.. my da- adoptive dad didnt want me to go to school i was... home.. schooled yeah.. home schooled"

"Oh well we will have to get you into a school so you dont fall behind others your age" their father said watching her with soft eyes

"Yeah and me and Sal can baby sit ! We just graduated and dad said we can have a year doing whatever we want before starting work" Antonio said cherrfully

"T-that would be a big help" luna said softly but then looked down paniced as rose started to squirm and scrunch up her face

"Oh she just needs burping after her bottle" Giovanni said softly taking rose putting her chin on his shoulder and firmly tapping her back until she let out a little burp to which she squealed and giggled.

It was definally strange for them to see there mafia boss, coldblooded father careing for a newborn.

"Antonio show your sister to her new room, its opposite yours" he said as he gently gave rose back

"Rest for tonight, one of us will wake you in the morning for breakfast."

She nodded as Antonio got up and motioned for her to follow.

He went up the stairs slowing his pace for her and keeping by her side.

"So... the baby dad not around ?" He asked as they walked.

"N-no..." thats all she said looking down nervously clearly not wanting to talk about it.

".. good. Your my only sister and im going to protect you. I should punch which ever stupid guy made you pregnant. Your probably both too young for a baby... but since rose is already here. We will all help you look after her."

She muttered a thank you hugging rose closer.

"This is your room. Its not decorated so at somepoint we will change it to be whatever you want"

He pushed open the door. The room was large with a big bed and a walkin closet and a ensuite.

Luna looked in awe as she stepped inside and sat on the bed.

"Get some sleep sorella" he smiled as he left the room.

(Luna's POV)

The room was amazing. And she could change it how she wants. It was a dream come true. She laid on the bed with rose on her chest. A new life for her and rose.

Rose would know only good things, she would make sure of it.

She looked around, this was so different from her old home..
Her old room was the attic and a thin mattress. She would have to sneak around to just use the bathroom and now here she was in this big room with her own bathroom.

She softly placed rose onto the bed putting pillows around her so she was safe. She then went into the massive bathroom. Peeling off her clothes she folded them to wear again after taking a shower.

She turned on the water bitting her lip as she slowly turned the hot tap a little. She braced herself expecting someone to shout at her for wasting hot water.

But everything was quiet, she slowly stepped in as she started to wash away all the blood and gunk that she had missed at the hospital.

The warm water helped to wash away some of her stress. Looking around she noticed two bottles on the floor of the shower. She smiled using the shampoo and conditioner to clean her hair. She switched off the shower grabbing a towel from the side and quickly checking on rose and then drying herself off.

She put her clothes back on and the curled up next to rose watching her sleep before slowly falling asleep herself.

(Giovanni's POV)

Soon Antonio came back from showing Luna her room. He sat with his brothers as Giovanni cleared his throat.

"I know you all have questions. As far as i know lunas adoptive father died. Her neighbour took her to the hospital... the doctor also said her neioughbour has brought her in before for injuries. I also had sam hack the police data base while i was on the plane and her adoptive father had lots of DUI's and assault charges against him.. the doctor also mentioned she has scars bruises and previously broken bones... she hasnt told me anything so id like you three to not mention it unless you see it or she mentions it."

The boys all looked at each other and nodded. Then Salvatore looked to him.

"What about rose's dad... i was hoping she just had a dumb boyfriend but from the sounds of it..."

Giovanni sighed
"I.. i dont know. Its too soon to be asking her that... either way she is back home and with family"

They all nodded and then Sal laughed.

"Your offically old dad. You have a grandbaby now"

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