Plane ride

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(Luna's POV)

After a deep breath she carefully got up and went to the bathroom getting changed into the new clothes she was given, there was even new underwear tucked inside the hoodie. She smiled slipping on the soft clothes and wincing as she put in the shoes.

A little big but much better then her almost 5 year old pair that regularly made her feet bleed.

She took a moment to organise her thoughts.

The man who beat her for 10 years wasnt her real father. Her real father was the tall, neat scary looking man that just helped her give birth. And now she was about to get on a plane with her baby to go live with her family in italy...

If it wasnt for the pain she could of sworn this was a dream. Carefully leaving the bathroom she went over to rose who was sleeping. She was so perfect.

She jumped hearing someone clear their voice and she looked to her side seeing Giovanni next to her holding up a small bag.

"I got rose a new blanket and onesie for the plane.. shes my first grandchild so i couldnt resist" he said smiling looking at her. His smile looked almost out of place when the rest of him was so scary.

She nodded slightly as she place rose on the bed and got out the onesie, it was fluffy and had little bear ears and a little bear tail. She smiled it was adorable. She gently changed rose who woke up to the movment but just giggles and gurgled happily.

Finally putting the new soft blanket around her she picked her up and then looked up at Giovanni.

"I-im ready.."

He simply nodded and then took her outside. The cold air felt so good. He took her over to an expensive looking black car with a man stood having a ciggarette by it.

"Tony. No smoking around the baby. Lets go its a long flight." The man, tony, looked very confused as he flicked away his ciggarette and then noticed rose and nodded holding the door open for them to get in.

"Of course boss" they then slipped into the car putting on seat belts as Tony got in the front and started driving.

"So... when we get home after some rest one of your brothers will take you shopping for you and rose. Get anything you want. Theres also enough spare rooms that rose can have her own when shes a bit older"

Luna gave a small smile looking up at him "thank you... it means a lot that your taking me in" she spoke softly turning to look down at rose.

"Your my daughter. Of course id take you and my grandbaby in"

They pulled up to the airport right by his private jet. He gently took Luna's hand going slow and taking her onto the plane and getting her settled.

She looked down to Rose

"I-if your staying awake for a-abit.. could y-you watch rose ?"

Giovanni grinned seeing she trusted him with rose.

"Of course. You get some rest its a very long flight"

She nodded softly handing him rose and she curled up into her seat sleep coming quick after everything she had went through.

She didnt know how long she had been asleep but she felt strong arms pick her up and move her. She figured the plane had landed as she felt the warm air hit her. She lazily opened her eyes seeing it was now night time. She was then carefully put into the car and Giovanni got in next to her holding rose.

"Enjoy your nap bambino ?" He asked softly gently handing rose to her. She nodded yawning and softly nuzzled roses cheek with her nose. That was the best sleep she had gotten in well ever. The drive pasted by in a blur as she was still waking up.

As they pulled up she marveled at the large house. It was amazing she was sure to get lost in it. Even if all she had was the attic like back home it would still be massive.

The car pulled up and her father got out and offered his hand that she gently took and got out the car.

"Now your brothers should all be home and ill have them introduce themselves. They can be a bit blunt but dont take anything they say seriously. Afterwards ill have one of them show you to your room."

Luna nodded along looking around at everything as they went through the door.

The inside was even more amazing then the outside !

She looked around and then froze hearing thuds and shouting as three men came downstairs.

"I told you dad must of had a good reason to leave"

"He could of told us. "

The three men stopped seeing their father stood next to Luna.

"I-is that..  theres no way.."

Giovanni smiled knowing how much his boys missed their sister.

"Yes boys.. its Luna"

The taller of the three noticed rose first.

"And the baby ?"

"Well.. it will be explained eventually but rose is luna's daughter.. she was born 12 hours ago its why i took so long"

The three where stunned just staring at Luna and Rose.

"Right boys. Introduce yourselves."

They all nodded and the tallest spoke first.

"Im Bruno im 23 and your oldest brother"

Bruno was almost as tall as his father with the same jet black hair but brown eyes. He was muscular and even with his suit on Luna could see the tattoos that where creeping down his arms and up his neck.

"Im Salvatore but just call me Sal im 18"

Sal had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He had a musclar build and was wearing a black v-neck and black sweatpants.

Next to him was another man who looked identical and was wearing black sweatpants but with a white top.

"And im Antonio im Salvatore's twin so im 18 too... can i hold the baby ?"

Luna looked down to rose who was still asleep and then to Antonio. She bit her lip slightly and then nodded.

"O-okay but b-be careful.."

She softly placed Rose in his arms showing him how to hold her.

The other two went to either side of Antonio staring at rose.

"Wow shes so small. "

They all looked at her like she was a precious gem. Rose wiggled not liking how she was being held as she takes a breath and then starts balling and sobbing.

All three of them looked terrified.

"W-what do i do !" Antonio said panicing.

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