I grinned. "About the library?"


I sighed. "I'll send you a very nice birthday present Harry, don't worry!"

"Cheers Elizabeth." He said, sounding a bit happier than before.

"Bye Harry."

"Bye Liz."

I heard a click as he'd already hung up and I quickly set my receiver down. I sighed and glanced over at the clock. Three minutes. Well, that was a bit longer than most conversations.

I wandered through the kitchen to the living room where dad was reading a book and taking notes. He looked up as I wandered through.

"Can I-"

"No." He said, looking back down.

I glared at him. "I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to take a quick walk."


"C'mon Dad! I've been good all summer! Please!" I begged. I had to get out of the house, it was driving me crazy.

"You realize you are in trouble for a very good reason, right?" Dad asked, still not looking up from the book. "You broke somewhere close to twenty school rules, nearly got killed by Basilisk, nearly drowned, and then nearly died dueling Voldemort. Not to mention that you broke your ankle and it only just healed."

"Yes, but I couldn't just leave my friends to do it on their own! I blame myself for the whole thing anyways." I added the last party bitterly.

Dad sucked in a deep breath, looking up for half a second from the book, and then said, "Alright, fine. 10 minutes, no more."

"Thank you!" I squealed and I darted out the door. I raced down the path so that I could walk back.

It was twilight, so just a little bit before the sun was going to set. The wind felt amazing on my face. It wasn't too hot, though it was summer. I'd gotten bored in the house so I'd found a workout book and had started exercising, getting into shape. I wasn't fat or anything before, but now, I found that I was out of breath less and less when I ran. It was called stamina.

After 4 minutes of straight running, I stopped, turned around, and walked back. I wasn't breathing as deeply as I might've been last year. I did wish I had water though. Oh well, I'd just get a glass back home. I passed by Trang's house and hesitated.

Trang was my only friend in the Muggle world, though she didn't know that I was a witch. She was only home for the summers because she spent her school years in America. She also knew I was in seriously deep trouble so we hadn't hung out this summer. I wondered if dad would let me hang out with her on my birthday. He probably would. I'd never gone a birthday without her since I was three.

I walked past the lovely house. It wouldn't bode well if I happened to talk to her and dad found out. I was supposed to be just walking.

Suddenly, a large black dog crossed my path and I froze, staring at it. I thought for the most peculiar second, that I recognize it. A distant memory, perhaps? Yes, I could hear in my ears the word 'puppy'.

The dog had frozen as well as I stared at it, gauging me with its large yellow eyes. It wasn't the cutest dog I'd ever seen. It's fur was matted and shaggy and it had a long tail. But I knew that dog, I just knew it.

I took a step towards it and then on instinct, I got on my knees and held out my hand. The dog trotted over slowly and sniffed my hand and then licked my cheek.

"P-puppy?" I asked in a shaky whisper, my heart thudding in my chest. It couldn't. . .

The dog whined, shaking it's tail.

Elizabeth Kane and the Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now