Acceptance and Headaches

Start from the beginning

"Davina!" Sam scowled.

I smirked. I kissed his cheek, realizing his skin was rather hot, and said, "Don't worry, I'll come back soon. I can't resist teasing you."

He chuckled. "Stay safe shorty."

"You too ugly."

I slipped out the house again, starting up the motorcycle, peeling out of the driveway and making my way back to the house.

Once inside, I did my homework before going to the kitchen to make dinner. It was then I realized, looking at the empty cupboards, that I didn't actually have food in the house.

I shrugged my shoulders. I could go without food for one night. It's not like I hadn't done it before.

So I went upstairs, undressing, and climbing under the covers, falling asleep rather quickly.


The next day, I got dressed in a pair of jeans, combat boots, dark red v-neck short-sleeved shirt, and leather jacket. I hurried with the makeup, accenting my lips with coral lipstick and the eyes with an indigo eyeliner. Then I grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder, and made my way outside.

Much to my displeasure, it had snowed last night and the road was slicked with black ice.

I grumbled, dragging the motorcycle out of the garage before I heard a horn honk behind me. I turned, feeling rather anxious at whoever was beeping and saw Sam there with a blue pickup.

I grinned, slamming the garage door down, running to the pickup truck. "Hey Sam!" I said, opening the passenger door, jumping into the truck.

"Hi Dav." Sam replied, shooting me a grin, "Thought you might need a ride this morning."

I laughed. "Thanks."

Then my stomach ruined the mood by growling like a tiger. Sam raised an eyebrow this morning, "You didn't eat?"

"I don't have food in the house yet." I explained sheepishly.

He pursed his lips as he drove down the road, "Did you eat dinner last night?"

My silence was answer enough. He reached behind him- at a red light- and grabbed a box of muffins. "These are Paul's. You can have some."

"I don't know if I want to get on Paul's bad side." I joked as I took the box, setting it in my lap and shifting through it. I only liked chocolate muffins. I couldn't stand blueberry or cranberry yuck! I mean, whose genius idea was it to put fruit in something that was supposed to be a sweet?

"He'll live if you eat some of them." Sam said. "Are you eating lunch?"

I sighed. "I'll eat three meals a day after I go shopping. I just haven't had time in the past two days I've been here. I have lunch at school."


I stuck my tongue out at him before taking every chocolate muffin available.

Sam chuckled, "Your sweet tooth still hanging in there then?"

"Never left." I said, ripping open the plastic wrapped muffin before biting into it. I nearly moaned at the sweet taste.

"You're going to get fat if you eat to much sugar. Then you'll be fat and short."

"Better than tall and ugly." I muttered, poking his arm. "Your arms are pudgy, you're one to talk."

"They're muscular, there's a difference." Sam said, rolling his muscles. I rolled my eyes. "It's freezing, where's your shirt?"

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