Singapore fails his exams

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"oh boy! I'm excited to get my exam results!" Child Singapore exclaimed while walking through the halls with a smile "I'm not excited because I didn't study, I'm gonna die" Child Laos has said and wishes he actually studied instead of playing Minecraft for the whole weekend "I think you'll be fine!" the tiny country said and arrived at the classroom and both countries sat on a free table "so... America gets a 56 out of 100" the teacher said "well at least it ain't 55" America just stared at the teacher with a bored expression "Canada gets a 94/100" the eacher has said "yay I passed :D" Canada celebrated

(Insert more countries and their grades)

"Now.. Laos gets a 89/100" the teacher said "no way I passed" Laos' eyes beams when he realized he passed "congrats!" Singapore smiled at him dearly "Singapore gets a.... Huh? This is weird..." The teacher fixes her eyeglasses to look at his grades more clearly and Singapore sweats nervously but then thought 'I studied for this exam for 2 days! No way I'm not passing! Maybe it's just the teacher's eyesight being bad...' he thought then the teacher said something that will affect his entire life forever "Singapore gets a... 43/100, the lowest of this class!" The teacher said with a surprised look because Singapore is the smartest kid in class "WAIT WHAT?!" Singapore stood up and shouted causing everyone in class to flinch "H-HOW?!" Singapore screamed again but this time with tears falling down his eyes "you studied the wrong subject dummy! I tried telling you but you didn't listen!" Singapore's older brother, Malaysia said "oh" Singapore said now crying his ass off "your fault for not listening to me, I may be a dummy but not THAT dumb! Malaysia crossed his arms and looks at him disappointed

"MOM! I GOT A 82/100!" Malaysia exclaimed happily while Singapore just stood there behind Malaysia with an emotionless look "oh that's wonderful dear!" Their mother said "now what about you Singa?" She continued "I..." Singapore now having the sudden urge to cry replied "He failed" Malaysia answered for him "oh... Okay then Singa, let's talk after dinner" their mother looked at Singapore with sickenly sweet smile "you're dead I guess... Enjoy your last meal of life" Malaysia looked at him and went to his room to get changed leaving the Singaporean to cry himself quietly

(After dinner)

"Okay Singa, let's talk... Now Malaysia, dear go to your room" their mother said making the Singaporean feel like crying again and Malaysia to go to his room showing a concerned expression the whole time (except he is actually laughing internally) "y-yes mother..?" Singapore stuttered and looks at his mother with eyes showing fear

Let's just say that is how Singapore now has a permanent bruise on his back and a small bruise on his face all because he failed an exam

Meanwhile in Malaysia's room

"Okay what the fluff" Malaysia whispered to himself while peeking at their "conversation" and decided that he needs to call the fucking police because this is straight up abuse, he immediately get his mother's phone that is coincidentally on his hand cuz games and dialed the police and long story short, their mother gets arrested, Britain adopted the siblings and yea

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