Chapter 113: Our first championship win.

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Thanks to twinkle* for the Ko-fi!


After getting back on stage, Jian Rong twisted open his water bottle and took a big gulp of water.

Shampoo... dammit.

Two days? In Lu Boyuan's room? The others probably wouldn't be practicing during those two days either. They wouldn't be discovered, right?

...he could sleep in his room both days?

The game entered the pick/ban phase. Jian Rong immediately shut off those unhealthy thoughts in his mind and ruffled his hair before he straightened up and got serious.

Just as Ding-ge had said, PUD regrouped for the third game and pulled out the team fight composition that they had been drilling the most recently.

Yuan Qian looked at the champions that the other team had picked. "Morgana? Didn't they already take Rakan support... unless it's Morgana mid?"

Strictly speaking, Morgana was a support champion with a fair amount of CC. She even had a shield that could both block some magic damage and provide crowd control immunity during the designated time frame.

This champion could also be played mid, but just like Jian Rong's Lulu from the first game, it was a timid champion that could only wait for the late game and team fights.

Ding-ge hovered around behind them. "It's probably something new they've been practicing."

Xiao Bai sighed, moved. "For the sake of the team, Savior really is willing to play anything."

Jian Rong scoffed coldly.

"-but he still can't compare with our mid laner. Despite being such a magnificent, incomparable hunk, our mid laner is still willing to play healer Lulu for my ge-for the team. In the future, this touching deed must be memorialized in our championship documentary with a segment that's ten minutes long at the very least. And there has to be a voice-over going on in the back too." Xiao Bai instantly spouted off a whole bunch of fawning flattery. "Soft, badass!"

The entire team started laughing.

Lu Boyuan watched as the opposing team successively chose Sion, Miss Fortune, and Lillia, but his smile didn't fade. "Prepare yourselves, their team fight comp is extremely strong this time."

Commentator A: "Tuotuo picked Lillia-he hasn't really competed much this season, so people most likely don't know that Lillia is the champion Tuotuo has been playing the most these past few months in ranked. However, since his carry jungler didn't do so hot in the first game, I thought that we wouldn't be able to see him play Lillia today."

Commentator B shook his head. "The only thing I want to say is that a single match truly doesn't mean much. Remember how badly Soft's Fizz was suppressed the first time he went up against Fighting Tiger? But the second time he played against them, he still dared to pull out Fizz. Logically speaking, Fizz isn't actually a champion that should be played competitively in this meta, but Soft is the classic example of someone absolutely refusing to give up-I really like pro players like him."

Commentator C nodded in agreement as the camera cut to Jian Rong, who was expressionlessly and calmly clearing minions. Commentator C chuckled and said, "Speaking of which, Soft also only joined the LPL this season, yet he's made it straight to the finals right away... it gives off the same feeling from back when Road was younger. What's more, I've discovered that regardless if they win or lose, he's extremely composed, at least on the surface."

I Can Do It (ICDI) - [Author: Jiàng Zi Bèi]Where stories live. Discover now