Chapter 71: The boss crooked his finger and came to aid the poor esports circle.

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In the esports circle, there were a few teams that could be considered "powerhouses." The label of "powerhouse" didn't refer only to the players' strengths; it also referred to the capital investors backing the clubs.

Most teams were backed by large corporations from a variety of industries-real estate, aviation, sports products, and even food.

For example, PUD was supported by a famous domestic e-commerce company, so they had ample financial resources and could sign on Korean import players as they pleased.

Some other teams were backed by rich and powerful people, and there were some retired players who also created teams and acted as their owners. Of course, most of the time it was still just the young rich elite coming in to play around. However, esports had developed rapidly in the past few years, and gradually they had shifted from playing around to actually investing.

TTC belonged to the latter category.

But even among that category, TTC could be considered unique.

Other teams' wealthy owners were each more famous than the last. If they weren't the original entrepreneurs that became extraordinarily rich, then they were their children, and everyone knew their names.

But the outside world didn't know anything about TTC's owner. Even his rumored name was vague and uncertain. They only knew one thing for sure-he was a nouveau riche.

After all, TTC was the only team that had a home stadium built next to the river, and the LPL had also been persuaded to make an exception and allow the stadium to serve as competition grounds. In addition, rumor had it that TTC's two mansion-like bases were merely real estate property that the owner had allocated to them with a wave of his hand.

Before joining the team, Jian Rong had once investigated this, but his search was fruitless. After entering the team, he had never met the owner, so he ended up tossing this person to the back of his mind.

He remembered that at the very end of an article, its anonymous poster had guessed that TTC's owner must be some big, low-key, powerful capitalist who negotiated deals worth billions every day. The owner must have had a keen intuition for business opportunities and foresaw that the esports industry would definitely become exceptional one day, which was why he chose to invest early on.

Jian Rong stared at the owner's back and couldn't help but think-

Perhaps after the big boss washed his hands of his previous life, he contacted some fortune-telling master. Then, that master recommended him to do more good deeds, which led him to invest in the esports industry during its most arduous years.

As a result, the crime boss crooked his finger and came to aid the poor esports circle.

In the movies, people who looked like this had tempers greater than the sky.

So after the owner went inside, Jian Rong stood in the entryway and asked woodenly, "Am I going to be kicked out?"

"No." Lu Boyuan was amused. He closed the door and said, "The owner is a very good person."

Jian Rong only believed him for ten seconds.

"I heard that someone mailed dead rats to the base?" The owner randomly found an empty seat at the dining table and sat down. He hiked one leg over the other and slapped the table. "Which grandson was it? What's his name? Where's he now? Daring to send that kind of unlucky crap to laozi's club, laozi's gonna crush that grandson."

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